kenberg, on 2018-January-17, 16:35, said:
I am so tired of this. In case any congressional staffer is reading this and wants to tell his boss what ken berg, and a great many other people, are thinking let me make it clear. Guys, you all look like idiots. There is this argument about who wlll get the blame if the government shuts down. All of you, isn't that obvious? Maybe some will only look incompetent while others will look like total morons. This will make you feel good? Take a look at the numbers to see what the American public thinks of Congress. Are you thinking that a government shutdown will improve your image? And really, playing chicken to see who veers away at the last moment doesn't look so good either.
At some point, people have had enough of this BS. If the government shuts down I suggest that your paychecks, for each and every one of you, stop, and I further suggest that they do not restart. It's simple. Enough is enough. We will not be deciding who to blame, you can all go home. You can do this job or you can't, and the evidence is that you can't.
Sorry, I have to rant a little here. Everything from here on is hyperbole.
This is EXACTLY what broke Washington. And by "this" I mean voters with Ken's attitude. Let me explain. Most members of congress are in safe seats. They won't get thrown out of congress, no matter how low congress' approval ratings are. They only care about whether their party will get more seats at the next election, and whether their party's presidential candidate will win the next presidential election.
When Republicans started threatening government shutdowns during the Obama presidency, and started blocking everything, and caused a government shutdown in 2013, they made a clear calculation. They knew voters would get upset. But they knew voters would just react with the silly "Throw them all out" tantrum. Which would hit about as many Democrats as Republicans in Congress, and would hopefully swing their odds in favour of regaining the presidency.
Mitch McConnell is the master of that strategy. His cynicism in destroying US governing norms is quite unprecedented. But he got a huge tax cut and a stolen Supreme Court seat to show for it. And he became so cynical because he correctly calculated that the vast majority of swing voters (most of whom are fairly uninformed) would be too dumb/lazy to look who is exactly to blame, and instead just react with Ken's silly tantrum.
There is a saying that in a democracy, we get the representatives that we deserve.
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke