Posted 2013-September-17, 18:29
IF N/S are playing something close to normal 2/1, then South is guilty. South's first rebid should be 3♥ setting trumps. Failure to do so implies that something more than a void is needed.
Posted 2013-September-17, 18:52
BillHiggin, on 2013-September-17, 18:29, said:
IF N/S are playing something close to normal 2/1, then South is guilty. South's first rebid should be 3♥ setting trumps. Failure to do so implies that something more than a void is needed.
Yep. But it still would require some good agreements to determine the 7th Heart and the Diamond King.
Another possibility would be a disciplined NAMYATS 4H opening to show the self-sustaining suit and precisely 7-7 1/2 tricks, with a way to find out about the half. But only one pair represented on these fora wants to be that disciplined with their 4M openings ---and the rest are probably right not to be so stubbornly old-fashioned.
This is obviously a hand where we just want to count tricks on the auctions; the Spade Jack is pretty much a red herring. First, we have to be able to get to South's hand quickly for the drawing of trumps and the finesse if a Defensive trick is established by the opening lead. 2-7-2-2 without a side king would require the Spade queen to drop second without a trump promotion, or third.
Posted 2013-September-17, 19:30
My understanding of 2/1 is that the 3♥ not only sets hearts as trumps but announces that we won't be losing tricks in that suit.
Posted 2013-September-17, 20:37
kenberg, on 2013-September-17, 19:30, said:
Yeh, but there is not universal agreement about whether the hand as a whole has extra strength, or about the length of the trump suit. Other tools are needed after the 3H jump to get to a trick count.
In fact, for us it would deny the given hand and others: 8 solid and out, 7 solid and a bullet, or a 9-trick hand. None of those would open 1H.
Posted 2013-September-18, 01:05
Interesting question whether you want to be in 7, given how often people lead trumps I quite fancy it, but not so good on a spade lead.
Posted 2013-September-18, 01:38
Posted 2013-September-18, 01:58
hautbois, on 2013-September-17, 18:08, said:
North should bid 1♠ the short suit first which is also forcing then rebid the clubs,if need be,to show a black 2 suiter
Can't understand South's 'creeping' with the ♥ suit. After 1 ♠ by North, South should simply bid
4♥ Now North,suspecting a slam,can use RCKB to agree hearts and ask for key cards On learning that S has 2+ the Q he can then
ask for kings. When South admits to 1 outside King,North hesitates no longer and bids 7♥
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2013-September-18, 03:24
I'm not sure if I get to 7H on these cards, since AKQxxxx would constitute a no-loser suit and trumps don't always break 3-3, but 6H should be easy to bid.
I blame South
Posted 2013-September-18, 03:29
PhilG007, on 2013-September-18, 01:58, said:
Can't understand South's 'creeping' with the ♥ suit. After 1 ♠ by North, South should simply bid
4♥ Now North,suspecting a slam,can use RCKB to agree hearts and ask for key cards On learning that S has 2+ the Q he can then
ask for kings. When South admits to 1 outside King,North hesitates no longer and bids 7♥
No way, for a couple of reasons:
1. You will be in a lot of marginal grands where the heart suit is not quite good enough (AKQ 7th or AK 9th).
2. How are you going to get to the club grand opposite say void, AKxxxxxx, xx, KQJ starting with 1♠
Posted 2013-September-18, 03:33
2♣ I also have a good hand, I have clubs
3♥ we are going to play in hearts, hopefully in slam
3NT I think you are wrong...
4♦ no way, we play hearts, I have diamond control (note that 4♣ would be a natural strain suggestion so cannot be bid)
4♠ I have spade control
4NT how many keycards?
5♦ 3 of them
5♠/NT we have all keycards anything else?
6x I have 1 King/♠K
7♥ let's play this.
An alternative is that after King ask south has room to make a last train bid, and north rejects, no blame.
Posted 2013-September-18, 18:19
Cyberyeti, on 2013-September-18, 03:29, said:
1. You will be in a lot of marginal grands where the heart suit is not quite good enough (AKQ 7th or AK 9th).
2. How are you going to get to the club grand opposite say void, AKxxxxxx, xx, KQJ starting with 1♠
I disagree if you have the methods to show 4S and longer clubs. This is not to say that I agree with that post as this is in the Inter/Adv forum, but playing Mafia responses you could quite easily get to the slam on your posted hand.
Posted 2013-September-18, 20:13
I expected partner's suit to have a hole for not jumping to 3, otherwise I can expect 11 tricks with partner needing a K or the spades working to make 12. I might not have placed the contract in 7, but at least 6.