rhm, on 2012-January-08, 08:49, said:
I am not convinced about this. East can probably see when you drop an honor under his ace that this lead might be from 4, which is more likely than six, and that declarer holds KQJ or KQJx (and therefore little else in HCP.)
Attacking dummy's entries looks also not unusual to me.
RHO's heart shift is dangerous no matter what he shifted from, certainly more dangerous than continuing Axx of clubs. If he underled the Q, then it could give us a no-play contract a lot of the time, and if he underled JT or J/T I don't see anywhere where it says we can't have Qx Q9xx KJxx Jxx (presumably we played the jack at trick 1).
Edit: If all we know is clubs are 6-1 and we assume that if the spade hook loses that they will always play back a heart, then the Pavlicek suit calculator says
Spades 3-3 28.38%: Hook has EV of -6 imps
Spades 4-2 8.51%: Hook has EV of +0.67 imps
Spades 2-4 38.31%: Hook has EV of +6.3 imps
Spades 5-1 0.93%: Hook has EV of -5 imps
Spades 1-5 20.43%: Hook has EV of +1.67 imps
Spades 0-6 3.41%: Hook has EV of +3 imps
Spades 6-0 0.03%: null
Hooking has +1.165 imps EV. This is less than I thought intuitively, but the more I think about it the more I think clubs are 6-1.