This auction occurred at fourteen tables. The Robot managed to find the ♥K lead (and continue hearts), which led to down 3 at every table except one, where the Robot didn't cash the ♣A (down only 2).
Things became a bit more interesting at the two tables (not including mine) where South bid 1♠ over 1♥:
I don't like the 2NT bid by East after North rebids hearts (among other reasons, I would usually want West to play NT if the contract belongs there). With no heart to lead, (double dummy) South must lead a club to beat 3NT.
At one table, South led the ♠T (don't ask me why not the ♠J). Declarer won, and instead of starting on diamonds (which would have made the contract), led a club to the king. North won the ♣A, and shifted to the ♥K, which resulted in the same down 3 as the tables where West played 3NT.
At the other table where East declared, South did indeed lead the ♣T (no club bid at this table, of course). North won the ♣A, and... continued clubs (making 5). That seems hard to justify when South has virtually no points.