Posted 2021-July-23, 12:44
This isn’t an easy hand
I play T-Walsh so I won’t post my likely auction.
Playing ‘normal’, but with 1S as ambiguous 4th suit gf, with or without spades:
1C 1D
1H 1S
1H shows an unbalanced hand, but I don’t think that playing up the line impacts this hand anyway
Opener bids 2S, showing (if 1H showed an unbalanced hand) 4405 or 4414. If up the line, then it shows 4423/4414/4405
Responder has a slam try hand, so bids 3S.
Now cuebidding follows via 4C, 4D, 4H
Responder uses keycard. The 5H response is annoying but the hand is too strong to sign off in 5S.
5N promises all the keycards but doesn’t promise the spade Queen (if it does for you, I’d jump to 6N rather than potentially mislead partner via 5N. 6N must have play opposite any hand on which opener cuebid, since he ought not to cuebid with a complete minimum).
Playing 5N as asking for the number of kings leads to 6N immediately. Playing specific kings, this takes another round…6C…6D….6H…6N
I’d like to claim that opener can and should raise 6N to 7N, and indeed I think it’s clearly correct to do so. Responder has declined to play in spades, so his diamonds must be solid. Assuming he has 6 of them, which is probable given 6 N opposite xxxx AKxx x AKxx, that heart Queen ought to be the 13th trick.
In real life, I suspect I’d sit there as opener, telling myself I should bid 7N, and then pass
If we have to jump to 2S over 1H to show spades, a treatment I would never willingly play, over opener’s 3S (clearly it’s best to use 4S as a terrible minimum with four spades), responder has an awkward hand. However, 4D fetches 4H and opener should not cue over 4D without a club control….since responder denied one by cuebidding diamonds. I think all roads lead to the same 6N, with opener thinking about 7.
Note that there is zero reason to play in spades. Our diamonds will deliver 6 tricks almost all the time even opposite a void. Count winners! 6 diamonds and the AK of all side suits…playing in spades deserves 2 spade losers.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
For what it's worth, I designed a hand yesterday that roughly fitted the parameters of your problem and gave it to GIB on a Bidding table.
They started out as you describe and alert the 2♠ bid as natural and forcing.