Not my hand
Posted 2021-May-28, 22:24
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-May-28, 22:41
Posted 2021-May-28, 23:11
Posted 2021-May-29, 00:12
mikeh, on 2021-May-28, 22:41, said:
agree. it might be wrong but partner has a stiff ♥ here, sometime 10 or K. for him to bid 2NT with void in ♥ is very wrong. passing 2Nt could be right as lead coming up to him, but your hand in ♥ look a better contract. ♥AQJ983 is likely just as good maybe better as ♥KJxxxxx and I would bid 3♥ with this and poor opening hand. so yes 3♥ is also my bid.
Posted 2021-May-29, 07:46
Posted 2021-May-29, 07:53
Posted 2021-May-29, 08:04
Posted 2021-May-29, 09:07
What % of the blame does West receive?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-May-29, 09:40
Cyberyeti, on 2021-May-29, 09:10, said:
I have some sympathy for east. It is easy - with a weak hand - to fall into the trap of thinking, well, I made a weak rebid so I've shown my weak hand, without thinking about the rather large range that the minimum rebid could be. For a lot of folks 10 counts up to around a bad 16 could be rebid 2H here. So all I am trying to say is that if east passed because they thought they had "shown their hand" with 2H it isn't so.
Other than that I give West 125% of the blame (more would be an overbid). When you have a game forcing hand, it is necessary to make a game-forcing bid.
Posted 2021-May-29, 09:53
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-May-29, 09:57
Cyberyeti, on 2021-May-29, 07:53, said:
Yes, 2H then 3C shows 6=4, weak hand.
But this is matchpoints, and our club suit is beyond weak, while on a reasonable day our hearts will provide 5 winners even opposite a stiff. We need to make a lot of clubs to do as well as 3H, if 3H makes. Do you like your chances in 5C? I’m not saying you’d be in 5C, just that you need to make 11 tricks to beat 9 in hearts
Meanwhile, if 3H fails, I’m not optimistic about 3C either
Posted 2021-May-29, 10:01
jillybean, on 2021-May-29, 09:53, said:
West is clueless. There are some pairs who play that a 2N rebid, by responder, is forcing in some sequences, but that’s a special agreement and far from standard.
Also, if your style is to routinely open decent 10 counts, then 2N isn’t so bad....if opener is supposed to bid again with anything more than a crappy 12. But, again, that’s not standard.
I’d give west all the blame except that I disagree with east passing. So west 100% and east 25%
Posted 2021-May-29, 10:07
Posted 2021-May-29, 10:15
I'm struggling to understand if its West's pride putting the blame of their partner or if they are indeed clueless.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-May-29, 10:47
Posted 2021-May-29, 10:52
LBengtsson, on 2021-May-29, 10:47, said:
Yes you do, I made 3nt+4 with 7♥ lead. Stiff K was a lovely surprise but with only one other entry to dummy, don't I have to play the A?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-May-29, 11:31
jillybean, on 2021-May-29, 10:52, said:
You do if they lead a heart because they won't have K7, if they lead something else you play the 10 to the J because Kx onside is many times more likely than stiff K offside