jillybean, on 2021-April-07, 12:24, said:
Splinters I now reserve for weak hands, "I hope you can make this partner".
Why on earth would you do this? Splinters are very useful for slam bidding, when you have *good* hands, but need partner to evaluate wastage or not, and let partner decide whether to keep on going or not, hands that show promise opposite well fitting hands but aren't strong enough to drive slam. If you fail to splinter on these hands, and choose some other raise that only shows support + values, almost always you'll be unable to distinguish between shortness control vs high card control in the suit later. Making it quite difficult for partner to cooperate intelligently.
If you have a weak hand with lots of trump support and shortness, and don't even know whether you even make game or not, just jump raise to 4M. There's no need to splinter with these weak hands that need partner with a super-rare near 2c opener to make slam (with some of those he may figure out when to continue anyway), and it deprives the opps of room to introduce suits or direct a lead with a double.