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Madness What constitutes delusions

#21 User is offline   thepossum 

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Posted 2020-September-04, 18:46

View Postpilowsky, on 2020-September-04, 18:20, said:

I only discuss things with people that I know. I don't know who you are. This is my last comment on the matter with you.

I will just write critiques of everything you say without involving you then. I don't need your permission to tear apart the misleading things you say all the time

Just continual arrogance. Do you know everyone on these forums that you talk to. As I have said you are displaying disgustingly arrogant attitudes and behaviours and attempts to claim authoriyt you do not have and make seriously misleading claims all the time on many issues

And this behaviour, cosntantly directed at me, and your potentially overlapping circles and potential interests in discrediting me for any manner of motives do make me very suspicious sometimes

Also, from things you have said elsewhere I have reason to believe you do know things about me other than that publicly disclosed here. All I know about you is what you have publicly disclosed so nothing creepy from my side. I am more concerned about your circles and sources of information close to you in different circles. I cannot say more because as I said that are many people or interests who could intentionally try to attack and undermine me personally and professionally, or who actually stand to benefit in some way

This is a very dirty world. I have faced that dirt in many areas of my personal and professional live for decades. Competing professional interests, political interests, institutional interests in harming me, and even personal ones. I am sorry but your behaviour combined with other behaviour against me from certain linked interests or parties gives me good reason to be cautious

And finally, before you make any ill-advised comments or hypotheses on my mental health status I can back what I say above with hard evidence

Please, I am not suggesting any direct intent or interests on your part, simply the risk through our many potential circles of overlap. However your seeming personal obsession with me and behaviour towards me is a bit questionnable

If you are who you claim with the knowledge and training you claim you would actually have either agreed with some of the issues I have raised on this issue and others, or at least been able to discuss them in a professionally competent way

Much of what you have written on some issues (not your claimed area of expertise) has not gone much beyond high school or wikipedia research level. The amount of stuff out there from so many people claiming authority they do not have, things they say that go unchallenged, the quantity of it. There arent enough of us who actually know stuff and have time to go around and critique every item of BS we read

As a parting comment by way of partial critique. Its all well and good to say that we live in a purely physical world with physical processes that theoretically could explain everything (quantum scientists may disagree). However any competent or knowlegeable scientist knows that the mount of explanatory power of our models (eg knowledge for want of a better world) is tiny in issues as complex as mental health and psychology. And it is genuinely frightening that there are so-called professionals in some disciplines who believe we can throw away all those other areas of human knoweldge (and I mean all) and explain everything that happens looking at cells, neurons, neurotransmitters etc. I do mean all. Mental health issues, psychoses cover area area of the human condition and every area of knowledge. Anyone cclaiming otherwise is reason for anxiety over the dangerous potential of their beliefs. What is dangerous is not that their area of expertise gives them strong beliefs about things but that theya re not at a sufficient level of knowledge or expertise to appreciate that an issue such as schizophrenia is actually an ongoing dialogue and competition of ideas

And without wanting to get too personal over the terrible history I know your family suffered, I am hoping that that more than anything would lead you support my views over ideas, debate, and schizophrenia. I assume you are aware of the terrible history mentally ill people have faced through history, some of it essentially genocidal in nature too. I apologise for raising that highly sensitive issue with you. I hope you will forgive me. However I hope you will understand that those of us at potential risk of those tendencies (some of which are highly evident globally at the meoment) have good reason to be very concerned. Despite those fears and concerns I am prepared to argue and debate anyone at the level of ideas provided that they also respect that conversation is as far as some ideas about mental health should ever get.

If you want to know where those cocncerns come from. Well much comes from observation of the global political climate. But even more comes from inside professional knowledge of many relevant disciplines. Sadly I fear those who are excessive reductionist and technologically focussed and ignore the human, social, ecological are in the ascendancy. You know the kind who dazzle everyone with long words, fancy expensive machines and technologoies with potentially devastating consequences. There is a particular mindset attracted to those dominant techniques. Sadly some with those mindsets miss a lot of important knowledge, thought, ability to think in different ways etc Do you know how influential some of those voices and tendencies are? And do you know how little knowledge many of those supporting those approaches have about anything much at all. There are some extremely powerful interests allied - not all at professional or professorial level either I may add. Very powerful forces indeed and often frightening due to their prejudices and ignorance

#22 User is offline   thepossum 

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Posted 2020-September-04, 19:39

So that I don't keep adding and editing the above post I want to give an example of very dangerous mindsets and approaches. Anyone who has studied human behaviour in any way shape or form should know that even the best models explain or predict only a very small proportion of human behaviour at the average level, let alone at the individual level. If you combine that limited explanatory and predictive power with the kind of people who are running so much of our world analytically, preditcively, politically - very influencial powerful people - could actually in their ignorance take a model explaining, say 10% of behaviour on average and dare to use that to predict an individual with a level of certainty they cannot claim. They can sell that to people without the knowledge to understand the limitations etc

... and, sadly, without being too specific, I am seriously concerned about many who carry a huge amount of authority - the level of their knowledge and understanding of the models they claim and sell with such certainty

EDIT. Something very important in the long piece I am currently editing but I want to restate it. In my view (and I believe a view that would be shared) you cannot address, understand, help people with delusions or hallucinations through objective approaches alone. They are highly subjective, contextual, inidividual. That is why psychiatry and psychology are mostly still clinical in their approach to dealing with clients/patients (pick your preferred model). It is alarming though that those who favour the objective and the impersonal are growing in power - those who think everything psychological can be sorted out with a lab test or a brain scan

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