I set up an IMPS table in the Prime area with a robot at each seat. I then let the robots play 6 sets of 12 hands - 72 boards (see Figure).
Each hand is also played elsewhere in BBO world against robots and with a human in one seat. The human is generally sitting South.
Here are the results:

Is there bias in the way that BBO deals the hands?
If this were the case then after playing 6 sets of boards one of NS or EW would have a significantly higher number of IMPS. Chi-square test is negative. The sum of wins and losses is equal to 0 therefore no bias exists.
Which is the best seat?
There is no bias so no seat is better than any other, but I recommend that you wear a mask and avoid television.
Which robot is the best partner?
This study was conducted using advanced robots. It would be interesting to see how much quantitative difference there is when pitting two advanced robots against two basic robots, or playing a 'team of three'.
Other conclusions.
There is a bias towards South in the Bridge community for historical reasons [1] and most players in the Prime area choose to sit South. BBO perpetuates this by seating players South in 'Best Hand' tournaments. Perhaps players in Prime and elsewhere jump for the South seat in the expectation that there are hands floating about in the ether cast adrift from 'Best-Hand' tournaments, and that if they sit South they will benefit from this. Like panning for gold in the effluent from a gold mine.
This seems not to be the case.
I still like to sit South though.
Of course, it doesn't help that whichever seat you choose, you are always at the bottom of the screen. Coming from the Southern hemisphere I'm used to it, but some in the North, East or West may find it tough going.
[1] "It was George [Kaufman] who pointed out that you could always hold good cards merely by sitting South. 'No matter who writes the books or articles,' he said,
South holds the most terrific cards that I ever saw. There is a lucky fellow if I ever saw one.' Ever since then, I have always sat South.
That is the secret of my success, and I pass it along to you for whatever it is worth." Charles Goren