Posted 2019-October-29, 13:54
What to do over 1N depends on agreements. If I had a way to show both majors, I would do so. As it happens, in my partnerships, we do have such a method. It is usually employed on weaker hands, say a modest 5-5, but there is no reason that one cannot show this hand by making the call to show both majors and, if one has the opportunity, to raise. If partner refuses to name a major, he denies as many as 3 in either, and now I am far from sure that I want to be in game anyway.
If one has no methods, then double with the south hand is probably a reasonable, though risky, action. The risk is that the opps may well be running the club suit, and we may not be able to establish our winners in time. But the gamble seems the least of evils if one cannot show both majors.
Partner's double of 2C is an enormous red flag. Partner has AT LEAST 4 decent clubs: he won't or ought not do this on, say, Jxxx. A 5 card holding, although not 'expected', is not exactly a surprise given our void. So partner rates to be short in the majors...again, he may hold a 3 card major and he may have useful, if short, honours, but bridge is a game of percentages, and his opening 1D and doubling 2C USUALLY shows at least 9 and often 10 cards in the minors.
3C forces to game: one could, of course, pass 3M by partner, which may work out ok, while damaging partnership confidence next time, but over the unsurprising 3D, 3H is unconditionally forcing.
This is a massive overbid. It reflects, imo, a failure to appreciate that one has to adjust one's view of one's hand according to what the auction has told us.
After partner opens 1D, our first thought is that we are going to drive to game: while game may not make, and the auction may time out such that we can stop, our first thought has to be 'game and maybe slam'. Note that before the 1N bid, our minor holding is promising.
After 1N, we are in a tough position, as noted above, if we lack methods, but double is reasonable. The alternative is a non-forcing 2H, and we may play there opposite say AQx x Axxxx Qxxx when 4S has play (not that we are necessarily getting there, but a spade partial outscores a heart partial)
Then the 2C double action should get us bidding 2H, basically giving up on game, based on percentages. Partner will sigh and pass.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari