thepossum, on 2019-July-10, 21:43, said:
I don't know if this is really a difficult enough decision. However I wasn't sure, playing MPs whether to Pass or try game.
We have 8+ trumps and using my (please be kind) favoured LTC approach few enough losers that I would consider 3S in the absence of competition
EW have 9+ trumps
So using my less favored LOTT that gives 17+ total tricks competing to the game level
White vs red.
I decided to pass, how would you evaluate it at MPs in a Free BBO tournament, not an advanced club tourney
regards P
The Law of Total Tricks is most effective in part-score auctions and a bit less effective and game level and higher. Having said this, it is still an interesting exercise to apply the Law to this problem. Let's consider how many trumps there are:
- It is fairly simple to estimate that we have an 8-card spade fit. Partner will have at least three spades for the raise, but would probably have done more with most four-card suits.
- It is less easy to estimate the opponents' heart holding. West has 5+ for the overcall. East may now be paying attention to the Law if bidding with the expectation of making 4
♥, but since they seem to be short of high card points, it is likely that East is bidding, vulnerable at the four level, based on shape and will also have 5+ hearts (bidding to the level of fit).
- From this, my expectation of the total number of trumps is 18(ish) rather than 17+.
Now consider the various scenarios:
- The opponents are failing by two tricks: we would expect to make 10 tricks. At this vulnerability we do better to double and defend.
- The opponents are failing by one trick: we would expect to only make 9 tricks. Again we do better to defend.
- The Opponents are making 4
♥: we would expect to go two-off (doubled). This is a worthwhile sacrifice.
- The Opponents are making 4
♥ with an over-trick: we would expect to go three-off (definitely doubled). This is still a worthwhile match-point sacrifice at this vulnerability.
So the Law of Total Tricks is giving you a very simple message. It is worthwhile bidding 4
♠ if the opponents are making 4
♥, but not otherwise. Your aces and king offer plenty of chances in defence and it is perfectly possible that both the ace and king of spades will stand up. Partner may well have a trick (or two?!). I elect to defend as I think rthat we have a better than 50:50 chance of defeating them.