BBO Masterpoints What is the value of a masterpoint?
Posted 2017-July-30, 03:36
However, what is the value of such masterpoints? For years I have played in robot tourneys trying to accumulate the crumbs of points given out at these tourneys. If the tourneys has less than 14 players One gets as little as .42 of a masterpoint for winning and even less for 2nd and 3rd. A score of over 60% usually gets you about .3 of a masterpoint.
If the tourney contains 15-30 players then the winner gets .6 of a masterpoint with less going to the other finishers. Usually a score of over 60% will get you less than .3 of a masterpoint. Each tourney costs 25c and I estimate that any player averaging about 60% (approx my level) will need 4 to 6 games to earn 1 single masterpoint.
If the tourney contains over 30 players the tourneys is split and 2 players are awarded .6 of a masterpoint with the remainder of players picking up the rest of the scraps.
Suddenly we have daylong tourneys. Now a 60% plus score earns you over 5 masterpoints and a 70% plus score can earn you more than 10 full masterpoints (2000% more for playing almost the same way?), The logic being that if I can score 60% against 16 players I'm likely to have a similar score against 1000+ players. Now suddenly Im earning nearly 200 masterpoints a month for only 2 games and 50 cents a day.
What is the point of playing all these other tourneys and instant tourneys where we all have to pay and play for scraps?
Posted 2017-July-30, 16:26
I think BBO should immediately increase the masterpoint awards by 10x. Then everybody can win 10 times as many points as before.
Posted 2017-July-31, 11:41
I see nothing wrong with accumulating mp on bbo if that's your thing.
but make no mistake just because you have a high number beside your name doesn't means your any better than before.
while people with more mp may be better it could just also mean they play a lot or other reasons.
Posted 2017-July-31, 13:29
Posted 2017-July-31, 13:38
I think the formula we use just came out of some guesswork. If a daylong tourney had only 15 players, it would pay out the same as a robot duplicate. The additional players increase the top award using a sliding scale.
Posted 2017-July-31, 14:21
Bermy, on 2017-July-30, 03:36, said:
Suddenly we have daylong tourneys. Now a 60% plus score earns you over 5 masterpoints and a 70% plus score can earn you more than 10 full masterpoints (2000% more for playing almost the same way?), The logic being that if I can score 60% against 16 players I'm likely to have a similar score against 1000+ players. Now suddenly Im earning nearly 200 masterpoints a month for only 2 games and 50 cents a day.
What is the point of playing all these other tourneys and instant tourneys where we all have to pay and play for scraps?
Are you really playing almost the same way? 8 board robot game against 1000+ seems like you really need to push the boat out to get a good score, not really the format for solid, straight down the line bridge. I don't play the daylongs often, though - well done if you're posting 60% on the reg as that seems like it would be tough to do in that game, even for good players.
Posted 2017-July-31, 15:09
el mister, on 2017-July-31, 14:21, said:
Did you read the interview with the winner of the NABC Online Individual? He said he mostly played normal bridge.
Posted 2017-August-22, 01:20
Posted 2017-August-22, 14:11
Posted 2017-August-23, 12:19
barmar, on 2017-August-22, 14:11, said:
You could increase the masterpoints for the regular tournaments by 3+X or something like that. Then you could win something like 2 masterpoints for a win which is must more satisfying than only winning .6
If you thought that the daylong tournaments should get more masterpoints, double or triple the points for those too. BBO can buy a super jumbo ink reservoir for printing those extra masterpoints on the 3-D Masterpoint Printer so it won't cost very much

Posted 2017-August-23, 12:59
johnu, on 2017-August-23, 12:19, said:
Regular tournaments use the ACBL formula -- keeping track of BBO points and ACBL points separately seems unnecessarily confusing.
Posted 2017-August-25, 02:01
barmar, on 2017-August-23, 12:59, said:
For BBO total points, you could multiply the ACBL points by 2x or 3x for BBO purposes, or just leave ACBL points as they are and let BBO points accrue at a higher rate. I was suggesting a solution, but doing nothing is ok for me.
Posted 2024-June-14, 14:34
Posted 2024-June-20, 13:32
mison627, on 2024-June-14, 14:34, said:
Winning a 12-board speedball gets you 2.4 points, and an 18-board open pairs awards 4.0. Robot duplicates (including instant tournaments) award 0.9 to the winners. BBO daylongs depend on how many people play, and they often pay more than 6 points to the leaders.