zenbiddist, on 2016-December-13, 08:48, said:
I was hoping partner might realise my bidding problem, that my correct keycard response was passable, which I didn't want to risk: (AK, AKQ, Qxx, KQJxx or similar bids 5S, but so does a hand with 5 keycards
I was hoping that if partner made that deduction, and was on the same wavelength about 5NT being my pick-a-slam bid with good clubs (2=3=3=5 or similar), he might interpret 6♣ as showing 5 keys, the queen and something in clubs.... Silly
If my partner chooses to bid 4N with the possibility that I could have all five keycards and is missing the Q
♦ then he better have enough points to preclude that hand or he will be looking for a new partner. He must have at least 8+ hcp and therefore the most he can be missing is 9 hcp. So trust your partner and make the correct bid. If 6N is not on after you bid 5
♠, then get a new partner!
If you actually hold AK AKQ Qxx KQJxx and your partner is missing 3 key cards, then his hand is QJxxx, Jx, Jxxx, xx! and seriously he has no business bidding 4
♦ let alone 4NT.
zenbiddist writes "Put yourself in the mind of responder - what do you think partner is communicating?
Style stuff: An unsystemic 5NT response would almost certainly have
been pick-a-slam (in this context, offering playable clubs and a 3cd
♦ suit)
I was the "perp" in this auction, hitting my partner with some undiscussed.
Still, I am interested in how people think.
One more question - if you decide to bid something other than 6♦
next, what do your bids between 6♥-7♣ mean?
Thanks for your thoughts"
Over responder's 4N, I guess
- 6♣ = NAT. might show good ♣s and suggest an alternative contract.
- 5N = ART. might show 3 ♠ s and 4♦ s offering responder a choice of pointed-suit slams.
Over 6♣s I guess:
- Pass = NAT
- 6♦ = NAT. S/O.
- 6♥ = Extra values. Pick a (grand)-slam.
- 6♠ = NAT. S/O, suggesting that 4♦ wasn't genuine
- 6N = NAT. S/O.
- 7♣ = NAT. S/O.