You are South (Vul vs. NV) and are playing with a robot (i.e. GIB 2/1 system).
Part 1:
Do you plan to pass 4♠ or explore slam? If you intend to bid on, what is your action plan?
Part 2:
Let's say you pass partner's 4♠ bid. Now, West (robot) leads ♥4, dummy plays the singleton ♥2, East (robot) play ♥J. How do you proceed with the play?
Useful notes:
a. This is ROBOT MPs. And everyone who bid as above will get the same lead as you (i.e. you aren't the only lucky one to not get a club lead).
b. Opponents trumps split 2-1. How many sure tricks do you have in 4♠?
In a nutshell, your objective is to make one or two more tricks than what you already have. What is your best approach to making the extra overtrick?
Finally, did you do something good when drawing trumps? Describe what you did in the trump play.