Liversidge, on 2016-January-25, 06:56, said:
The reason I felt uncomfortable about adopting 3 weak 2's is that my partner's other partner (partner 2) retained the lower (Benji) opening 2♣ threshold of 23-24 HCP balanced or 8 playing tricks and a single strong suit, and doesn't distinguish between a long major/minor, and says responder must not pass below game. I felt that this would cause uncertainty for responder if he had a very weak hand. It would certainly make me very nervous!
If my partner and I were to switch to 3 weak 2's, what is a sensible threshold for a 2♣ opening bid (hopefully a bit stronger than the above!)?
Although I haven't played it I have some notes I made a while back for the requirement for this opening:
With an unbalanced hand, open 2♣ with an opening hand, and with either 23-24 HCP balanced or 9-10 playing tricks (Mm). The hand should have defensive strength of at least five quick tricks in case the opposition compete at a high level and partner doubles, OR satisfy the rule of 25 (HCP plus length of two longest suits = 25). An unbalanced 2♣ opening usually shows a 6+ card suit.
Does that sound sensible?
I can only tell you what we play which does include 3 weak 2s. We play it GF except if followed by 2N. Our system is odd, but includes a good 19-21 2N so balanced hands start at 22 and we use kokish (2
♥ is hearts or balanced) to give us an extra balanced range, but the balanced hands are not really an issue here.
The 6 card suit requirement is not needed, what do you do with a 544/535/5431 25 count.
The other discussions to have are.
How freely are you going to respond to 1m if you're opening 2
♣ less often with minor suited hands ?
What constitutes a positive response, particularly in a minor, and what constitutes a 2N response
Are you going to play 2
♦ 0-7 (and if so are you using a second negative) or are you going to play 2
♦ single negative, 2
♥ double negative or are you going to just bid 2
♦ most of the time
Hand 1
Partner and I play old-fashioned Acol (Majors first!) with few conventions except simple Benjamin.
Hence, I'm familiar with Liversidge's dilemma.
I don't know the answer
I suppose that, by agreement, you could start 2♣ - 2♦ - 3♥ to show this kind of hand.
But we don't have that agreement
Albert Benjamin refused to play his own convention
I'm hoping to persuade partner to switch to a strong ♣
On a very good day, we might reach 7♥.