zillahandp, on 2015-October-26, 13:21, said:
Pass there is no god bid in acol, p can protect, non question
Another very good reason for passing is that in 2nd seat you are sitting "under the gun" LHO has not yet
bid so there is unknown strength there. If you overcall and the remainder of the points are bunched on your left,
the next thing will be a penalty double from there and you can get ready with the sackcloth and ashes and get prepared
to record a hefty minus score for your side. Anyone with a good sense of danger will unhesitatingly pass and hope that
if the bidding is passed round to partner,he will balance(as he should)
Cyberyeti asks.
I rank
1. Double. T/O. Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto
2. Pass. NAT. Auto (Mouse or Troll?).
3. 1N . NAT. Auto (Lemming).
4. 1♠. NAT. Auto (Fruitbat).