Posted 2015-September-13, 06:14
It is impossible to have much confidence in any answer without knowing the auction. In addition, one needs to know the calibre of the opps. Depending on the auction, a strong LHO may have good reason to lead a diamond from K8 or even K8x.
The opps were surely in the auction with all their black cards. Playing the diamond Ace to guard against the 8 being stiff makes little sense. You can't pull trump, even with a winning finesse, since they cash spades when they win the diamond K. You play the diamond Ace to drop rho's presumed stiff king. This is why you need to be able to assess LHO, the auction, and whether LHO may be able to work out that he needs to lead from the K.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
zdedo asks "How to make this one playing 6♥ lead 8♦"
Has LHO made a cunning lead or does RHO hold ♦K?
If RHO has doubleton ♦K, then you seem to be doomed
I guess to finesse.
If you finesse ♦Q and that loses to singleton ♦K, all is not necessarily lost
You still succeed when RHO has ♥Kx.