Winstonm, on 2021-July-16, 14:10, said:
And now quoting myself from a few posts up
"Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how today differs from the time of my youth. Change happens, I hope we can cope with it."
Ideas that sound good and perhaps in many ways are good can have consequences, side effects, that are not so good.
I mentioned that in Minnesota I did not (as near as I can recall) declare myself to be R or D. Party pros had a lot of influence over who the candidates were. A party pro choosing a candidate asks "How can we get votes from that large bloc in the center? ". Primary voters ask themselves "Who do I like best?" If you think about that, you can see how primaries are likely to produce R and D candidates who are further apart. A D primary will likely produce a candidate well-liked by Ds, but there will be no regard fo the views of Rs, and vice versa. The political pros look for someone with appeal across the spectrum. And we should not underestimate the psychological effect of registering as a D or an R. It becomes my team.In my case, I cannot name a single Raven just as I could not name a single (then referred to as) Redskin. But in my younger years I knew the batting averages of all the St. Paul Saints, the expected batting line-up and so on. The Saints were my team. They should win. (Yes, I do know the Saints played baseball and the Ravens play football, I am not totally dead.)
Several posters above mentioned that there used to be less of a gap between Rs and Ds. Yes. And primaries are part of the cause. The effect is predictable.
Having candidates chosen by primaries appeals to our sense of letting the people choose. But, well, we see the But.
Briefly on a different topic: PBS Newshour has had a series on child care. Apparently, the US is close to last in our provision for this. And it is needed. So I hope we can get a good system going. Such a childhood will be very different from my childhood. But of course, it already is very different.
The world has changed in many ways. Almost all change has some good features and some bad features. But change is inevitable. It's a good idea to anticipate the side effects.