Gilithin, on 2021-October-12, 14:46, said:
One thing I am interested in though - to my knowledge, I cannot recall any time that you have called out another poster for, well, anything. Without mentioning any names, are there any posters that you personally think have racist tendencies? or sexist? or religious intolerance or any kind? And are there any posters that you prefer to avoid? I see that you are not fond of conflict and avoid such but surely you must have developed some private opinions in the many years you have been posting, right?
I'll get started. I rarely call people names, I try hard not to put people in labeled boxes.
I think that in discussions, the most important thing is to present my own thoughts as clearly as possible. That's different from saying it is important to persuade someone to come around to my way of thinking. That's for them to decide.
Do I ever get upset with people? Yes. A friend is flying off to Nebraska for the funeral of her nephew. He died of covid. He has a wife, now a widow, and some kids. They also had covid. He was opposed to getting the vaccine. I got a bit emotional about this earlier today and was saying to Becky that the irresponsibility of this is just incomprehensible to me. He has a wife and kids and for some political or ideological reason he would not protect himself. But my anger is fueled by the total irresponsibility of his actions. Of course opinions and actions are at least loosely linked, but I mostly get fired up over actions.
Do I think some people are racists? A story, I've told it before. I grew up in the 40s and 50s in St. Paul. Very white, at least my neighborhood, I had no black friends. When I got to the University of Minnesota there were more options. I was often aware of someone being Black, or Asian. Or French, for that matter. It was all new. I worried about this awareness, thinking maybe it did not speak well of me. Anyway, I was playing chess in a coffeehouse (The Ten O'Clock Scholar) and this Black guy was standing behind me, commenting on the wisdom, or lack thereof, of my every move. After a bit I turned to him and said, not in a kind voice, "Look, you can play the winner. Until then shut up". I happily realized later that this was exactly the reaction I would have had if he had been a White guy standing behind me commenting on my moves. So I passed a test in my own mind. Still, I have never dated a Black woman. I have no objection to inter-racial dating or marriage, but I have never dated a Black woman. And in high school a friend was dating a Japanese girl. I was friends with her as well. After they broke up she made it pretty clear that any thoughts I might have about moving beyond friendship would be welcome. I never took her up on it. So am I a racist? Maybe. Not a severe one I think. But I try to work on myself rather than categorize others.
I said I thought the issues you raised are important. Not because I am important but because I think I am representative. I am like a lot of other people. One of my traits is that I don't like being called names. Probably a common trait. We need to spend most of our fault finding efforts on ourselves. You ask "And are there any posters that you prefer to avoid? ". Well, people who spend a lot of time explaining how they are morally superior to everyone else, they would certainly be high on any list of people to avoid.
I might return to this. I have a thought or two, here and there, about where the Democratic Party seems inclined to shoot itself in the foot.