awm, on 2020-September-14, 08:51, said:
This makes me think of many people after World War 2 who blamed the Nazis on some unique character or cultural flaw of the German people, ignoring that similar movements arose around the same time in Spain and Italy, that Hitler himself was Austrian, and that even the US and Great Britain had fairly popular fascist movements in the 1930s.
Yes, the United States has its unique problems, but viewing this as "just a US thing" is missing the point.
Hitting the nail on the head and missing the point completely.
Obviously there is a unique character flaw in the way that the American people are brought up or that the people that go there find the values there appealing, or that the people that leave don't.
What is that unique thing? That thing that you refer to as a 'flaw' that leads to a society being overwhelmed by Trumpism or Hitlerism. That allows a society to lose its way?
To be so blinded to reality.
It isn't leaded gasoline.
It isn't socialised medicine.
It sure isn't antifa or a lack of policing or empathy!
How about cluelessness or a lack of irony? A fundamental inability to comprehend the suffering of others and to render assistance to them in a time of need.
America is a 'land of opportunity'. You have the opportunity to get ahead so long as you do not take a single thing from anyone else. You are completely on your own in your quest. That is the fundamental flaw in the American character.
There is too much of it. They have to go to special camps in the Military to learn how to work together. Declarer play is easy for Americans because it's Individual. Is there a section on the Forum for difficult defensive hands?
If Americans don't learn to look within themselves and ask why did this happen? Can we do better? It will just happen again.
Or you can say that Jew pilowsky is just nitpicking - it must be his fault. That's what happened last time. See how that works out for you.
Trump is not normal. He is a fascist.