I don't claim much insight into this, but my preferences fwiw:
Wackojack, on 2015-January-03, 12:38, said:
1. Do you open this 1
♦ or 1NT?
Either looks fine to me. Depends on vul, perhaps - favourable I'd prob prefer the preemptive value of 1N, unfavourable I want to get to the right contract, so I lean towards 1
♦. But would have no objections to a P opening either at any vul.
2. Generally regardless of strength of 1NT and points in the 1NT range and a 2254 distribution if you were to open 1NT what cards would you require in the 2 major suit doubletons?
I seem open 1N on such shapes fairly conservatively, but for me Qx or better in both would normally be a rough min. Seat is also relevant - with a 12-dodgy 13 and a decent diamond suit, I'd often prefer 2
♦ in third.
3. Reverse diamonds and clubs so a 2245 distribution. Same question.
Now it's more about what my club suit looks like, since I don't have the choice of rebids 2254 offers. If I have a comfortable 2
♣ rebid I might open 1, else I'll lean towards 1N with maybe 3+ points in the majors.
4. Opposite 1NT opener you have a good hand with 5-5 in the majors. How do you avoid playing in a major when a no trump contract is better?
This just seems like something to chuck into your laundry list of things you might want your 1N continuations to deal with. It's not obviously one that would make the final cut though, since if P is 5-5 in the majors, 4M might well play better than 3N.
For my main partnership, 1N 2D / 2H 2S is forcing, and opener can bid 3m with a max and the corresponding major, or 2 or 3N with this shape or an uninspiring (4333) - but we play a Fantunes weak NT, on which
all 5422s in the range get opened 1N.
5. Playing weak no trump it is doubled for penalties. You are weak with a 4432 or 4423 shape. How do you avoid wriggling into a 4-2 major fit?
Obviously it depends on your methods, but short answer is you probably don't. I play responder's 2m as a controlled psyche, which might be a hand with both majors - in which case if he bids his 3 card minor and P shows up with 5 cards in it, the opps might not be able to X you there.
Playing natural runouts, there's nothing to stop you bidding 2m on a 3-card suit for the same reason, then pulling to 2H if you do get Xed.