mikeh, on 2014-November-26, 18:51, said:
So maybe my dislike of the method is more due to the innate conservatism that grows in most people as we age, but for a good imps event I don't want to play with team-mates who on a completely routine 'nothing' hand can go for 800 or 1100 at the 2-level into the opps' game, even if it only happens 10% of the time.
Mps: sure...frequency of gain is the main parameter. Imps, not so much

As for justifying the methods as 'perfectly reasonable bridge', colour me unimpressed.
I am capable of mediocrity at any time with any method: I don't need to adopt inherently flawed methods to attain that level of bridge. I would far rather pursue the less attainable, but far more enjoyable, goal of 'reasonably perfect bridge'

I see your point, but I question 'inherently flawed'
I think the worst case disaster potential estimate for any assumed fit method has to be 0.9% - and that's assuming that 100% of the time you blunder into a no fit auction that you get doubled and go for 800 and it's always a part score deal which is just not true. Lots of Moysians are going to play for 1 off, against a part score their way, and that's assuming they get you every time. I think it's closer to 0.1% as a practical matter - for a disaster anyway.
The breakdown of the issues with the misfitting hands are more like:
Hand type How likely are they to let you off the hook when you have no fit? How bad is the damage? Part score It depends, if you're showing minor+major often they will bid a 5 card major. Potential part score swing, usually modest, unlikely to get a big X Game Most serious danger zone, often they can get you for 800 or 1100 vs a game. This hurts if Vul, if NV it's usually quite tame (3 off vs a making 3NT is usually fine) Slam Very, hard to double 2D when you know you might be making 6C Not usually that bad.
A 3 imp loss is possible on lots of boards, the worst are usually when you open in 1st and partner has 55 minors, whereas you would have got out in 2C playing standard, you are totally railed in this. It's rarely a disaster, but it can a part score swing and 5 imps hurts.
This assessment of the is conservative and fits with my practical experience - my biggest penalties have been going for 800 and 1100 against a tight vul game that the field wasn't always making in a swiss pairs (a loss), and a cold NV game (a big loss) in ~2.5 years of playing the methods (so about 3000 boards, perhaps more, but I play TWO assumed fit preempts not one with one partner). You could play quite a few team games and never notice.
But that can happen playing a weak NT! You always take risks making any bid, and while some styles have more penalty risk, you have to take some risk.