aguahombre, on 2013-November-24, 15:34, said:
Tell me slowly how this happened, since I seem to be missing something. An AC doesn't rule on a matter of law, only on the facts. If their descision is to recommend to the TD that he use a different law or is that the TD broke the applicable law, it goes back to the TD anyway.
Or was this not one of your "best directors using proper procedure", and he didn't know any better?
Ok, you have 85 A85 T64 K7654, your partner opens 1
♦ 11-13NT or 11-16 4+
♦, RHO doubles for takeout, you bid 1
♠ that is transfer to clubs, LHO doubles for takeout, partner bids 2
♠ wich is natural with 4 spades 5+ diamonds, 14-16 hcp. RHO doubles for what do you bid?
The problem is of course that your partner doesn't alert 1
♠, so now 2
♠ indicates 11-13 bal with 4 spades. Of course passing 2
♠ isn't a logical alternative, but what do you think of bidding 2NT? If partner really has spades and diamonds he might bid 3
♦, if we are doubled in 2N I can run in 3
♣. To me that is using the UI, to the AC it was fine because when both the opponents bid, partnern might have forgotten the system, and the opponents bidding is AI so regardless of the UI the AC claimed that 2NT was ok...To me, that AC ruling is a breach of 16B1(a), since biddnig 3
♦ is a LA, then we cannot allow bidding 2NT to cover up for the possibility that partner forgot the system. The AC did not think 3
♦ X down 6 was a fair result so they wanted to allow 2NT because of that.