Imp's. 3♥ was an invitation.
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ATB: Costly sacrifice Who bid too much?
Posted 2013-September-21, 19:28
Imp's. 3♥ was an invitation.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
Also, he rates to not have a heart void when he leads the ♥3.
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
Besides playing for fun, most people also like to play bridge to win
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Posted 2013-September-21, 21:14
East, 4♣ over an invitational 3♥ is idiocy.
But as far as west, if you're going to bid 5♣, why not bid 3♣ the first time?
But as far as west, if you're going to bid 5♣, why not bid 3♣ the first time?
Posted 2013-September-21, 21:35
4♣ is REALLY leading with your chin. It's almost a transfer to 4♥ by them. I can see an immediate 3♣ by west but 4♣ by East doesn't show anything remotely resembling this hand and 5♣ would be a good sac most of the time over what they should have.
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Posted 2013-September-21, 22:10
East's 4♣ bid is off the charts BAD. He can expect 3 tricks on defense as well if ♣ split well (he doesn't know PD has 3♣)
I'd not bid 5♣ as west, but I do pity the poor sod for taking his PD seriously.
I'd not bid 5♣ as west, but I do pity the poor sod for taking his PD seriously.
Posted 2013-September-22, 01:52
5cl is a normal bid imo. It would probably work well if E had his bid.
E told 100% of his story with his 2c bid. Even if a 2.00001♣ bid was available he still had an obvious pass.
E told 100% of his story with his 2c bid. Even if a 2.00001♣ bid was available he still had an obvious pass.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2013-September-22, 02:28
Like the other posters, I think the 4 ♣ bid is terrible.
The opponents are in a game invitational auction which means they probably have the majority of the HCP. The overcall hand is a semi-balanced very vanilla overcall. If East does a little math -- 14 HCP in hand, give the opponents say 22-23 HCP, then West (advancer) can't have more than a few points. Also, advancer has not raised East's ♣. So there's no assurance of a big ♣ fit.
A direct 4 ♣ free bid over the invitation tends to show increased values and/or distribution which give a chance to make or limit the loss. I might do it with a hand like ♠ x ♥ x ♦ AQxx ♣ KQJxxxx.
West also gets a large chunk of blame for sacrificing at 5 ♣ despite East's 4 ♣ bid. Again, West needs to consider what undisclosed values are held to help cut down on losers in East's hand. First, and foremost, is a good trump fit (4+ cards). A 3 card trump holding is not usually good. If the opponents decide to lead trump dummy's value as a source of ruffs will be greatly reduced. Shortness in the opponent's suit is much less desirable than complementary shortness in a suit that the overcaller is likely to hold. Even a holding of honors and intermediates in a side suit that might limit trick losses there is useful.
Make West's hand something like ♠ x ♥ xxx ♦ QJ10xx ♣ xxxx and it's a much better sacrifice.
Finally, at IMPS, losing a NV game swing is not a big deal. It's about 7 IMPs which is nearly the same as most part score swings. So there's a bit less need to sacrifice.
The opponents are in a game invitational auction which means they probably have the majority of the HCP. The overcall hand is a semi-balanced very vanilla overcall. If East does a little math -- 14 HCP in hand, give the opponents say 22-23 HCP, then West (advancer) can't have more than a few points. Also, advancer has not raised East's ♣. So there's no assurance of a big ♣ fit.
A direct 4 ♣ free bid over the invitation tends to show increased values and/or distribution which give a chance to make or limit the loss. I might do it with a hand like ♠ x ♥ x ♦ AQxx ♣ KQJxxxx.
West also gets a large chunk of blame for sacrificing at 5 ♣ despite East's 4 ♣ bid. Again, West needs to consider what undisclosed values are held to help cut down on losers in East's hand. First, and foremost, is a good trump fit (4+ cards). A 3 card trump holding is not usually good. If the opponents decide to lead trump dummy's value as a source of ruffs will be greatly reduced. Shortness in the opponent's suit is much less desirable than complementary shortness in a suit that the overcaller is likely to hold. Even a holding of honors and intermediates in a side suit that might limit trick losses there is useful.
Make West's hand something like ♠ x ♥ xxx ♦ QJ10xx ♣ xxxx and it's a much better sacrifice.
Finally, at IMPS, losing a NV game swing is not a big deal. It's about 7 IMPs which is nearly the same as most part score swings. So there's a bit less need to sacrifice.
Posted 2013-September-22, 02:57
neilkaz, on 2013-September-21, 22:10, said:
East's 4♣ bid is off the charts BAD. He can expect 3 tricks on defense as well if ♣ split well (he doesn't know PD has 3♣)
I'd not bid 5♣ as west, but I do pity the poor sod for taking his PD seriously.
I'd not bid 5♣ as west, but I do pity the poor sod for taking his PD seriously.
E seems to have had 2 spades in with his clubs when he bid 4♣.
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