barmar, on 2012-December-12, 12:06, said:
It's true that this sense is normally reserved for people, not things, but it seemed clear in context that Jilly was using it metaphorically, since it's obvious that they are not physically inseparable. Or rather that the players in question treat them as if they're inseparable, even though they aren't really.
Whether Jilly knows they can be separated is not relevant, we're discussing what OTHER players do -- they don't separate them.
As you say, the word "in this sense" is normally reserved for people, and when used about objects it is hard to imagine another meaning besides literal. The fact that people "treat them as if they're inseparable" is obviously a big part of the problem, but if ACBL players want to give up on the possibility of change to their current situation, it is not something I will worry about.