mikeh, on 2012-October-24, 09:07, said:
This inexperienced player fell into the trap of cashing the top clubs, pitching a spade, and then ruffed a club and cashed the spade K, pitching the diamond as LHO ruffed in. LHO now could give me the contract by exiting a heart or by leading a diamond for me to ruff. Choosing the latter, he made me ruff in dummy and I was utterly helpless! I had no choice but to lead a heart to my A and then lead my last diamond and ruff it in dummy. I was astounded to make 11 tricks, despite my inexperienced line of play.
Phil: I suspect you didn't see this was the N/B forum, else you wouldn't have made the statement about unusual v unusual being 'completely standard' here.
Phil: I suspect you didn't see this was the N/B forum, else you wouldn't have made the statement about unusual v unusual being 'completely standard' here.
Obviously I didn't see it was the N/B forum.
Re lines. As far as I can see our lines are 100% equivalent if rho is 55. But if he should have wandered in with 4153 my line picks that up and your line fails? I have seen stranger things.