Splitting touching honours Which card do you play?
Posted 2012-February-29, 15:41
Which one do you play from two touching honours?
Which one do you play from three touching honours?
Does it matter whether you're splitting on the lead of a small card, or covering an honour?
Does it matter whether the lead came from declarer's hand or from dummy?
If the lead was from hand, does it matter what dummy's holding is?
I'm interested in both what you think is normal and what you think is best (and why, of course).
Posted 2012-February-29, 15:51
1. Split with what you'd lead. This means top nearly always.
2. Splitting shows 0 or two higher. So split K from KQ or J from KQJ. I think this is what Woolsey recommends.
3. I used to play 2nd from two or top from 3. For some reason partner could generally work it out. This is sort of an inversion of #2.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-February-29, 16:23
I mean do the hands when it's important to have agreement come up ? Or do hands where it's important to have good agreement come up ?
Posted 2012-February-29, 16:50
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:10
bluecalm, on 2012-February-29, 16:23, said:
I mean do the hands when it's important to have agreement come up ? Or do hands where it's important to have good agreement come up ?
Not very often. A lot of the time it will be obvious to partner what's going on, or he won't care, or you're trying to give declarer a guess so you play randomly.
However, it does happen. In the deal that led to this question, a defender had AK62 sitting over dummy's Q973. Declarer led the 8 from hand, and partner played the jack. Later the defender had to decide (amongst other things) who had the 10.
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:13
JLOGIC, on 2012-February-29, 16:50, said:
Is this something you've discussed with your partners, or is that what "everyone" does?
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:26
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:32
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:43
Edit: In thinking further about this, the difference between splitting high and splitting low is that you are deciding what card you are denying ownership of. If, when dummy leads a singleton, you split low & play the T and declarer the A, partner now knows that you don't have the 9 - that's rarely going to be important, but I guess it could matter. On the same hand, if you split with the Q, denying the K - partner now knows how many tricks are available in the suit without ruffing/giving up the lead. That is frequently important.
Clear agreements like Woolsey's from 2/3 appear as though they would work even better - you should almost always be able to tell which is which.
Posted 2012-February-29, 17:57
Posted 2012-February-29, 18:12
Posted 2012-February-29, 18:24
I don't play much bridge though

Posted 2012-February-29, 20:54
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2012-February-29, 21:13
Posted 2012-February-29, 23:16
Other suit critical count if this suit
count cannot be relevant to partner.
Posted 2012-February-29, 23:30
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-March-01, 02:21
Posted 2012-March-01, 02:53
Posted 2012-March-01, 03:10