Posted 2012-January-30, 15:37
I should not have put this board here on BBO yesterday night, when I was very tired after the tournament. But here comes better description of what happened at the table.
This board was life on BBO. Hundreds of spectators were watching. That is why I name the players involved.
East's description of the redouble was "decent hand". After the play was over, west's meaning was "prepared to compete further", and a lot of argumet between Zia and E/W. When the opening lead of Jack of diamonds was still faced, and I arrived at the table, Zia stated that he bid 2NT because he did not like playing in 2♠ redoubled, if parther was short there, as the bidding sounded. If he would have passed, it would be likely that partner would have read him with values for defending 2♠. ( Of course did north also have the explaination, no screens ) If he had correct explaination of the redouble, he would have passed 2NT. Waiting to see what happened.
After having discussed this hand with the other TD, and another expert, I ruled 2 spades redoubled East, down 2. 600 NS. The other TD was not sure if this was the right ruling, but I reasoned that it would be better that E/W would appeal.
The athompshere at the table was very tense after this happening. 1 minute later, Zia called again, complaining about "break in tempo" in very competetive bidding action. But that matter was not serious.
Vigfus Palsson
Hlidartun 6
270 Mosfellsbaer