North and South had verbally agreed "Suction over strong clubs", and south wrote on the convention card "Suction over strong 1C/2C" and north wrote "Suction over strong clubs". Before the opening lead, South informed E/W of a failure to alert, and after being given by the director the option to change the final pass, West bid 3S and East raised to 6S which was short 2 tricks.
By agreement, the pass of 2S is neutral, and an immediate double by West would have been penalty. East's first double was takeout, and subsequent double was undiscussed. However East is a strong player and West is not, so it is unclear if West would have understood the bids the same way (as potentially evidenced by the 3S call). After hearing East answer, though, West would have just agreed.
To what should the score be adjusted, and is it the same for both sides? ACBL, so no weighting.