This uninteresting deal will certainly satisfy ahydra that it might have occurred, and it might even get past jallerton's suspicions of an invented claim as well.
However, it did raise an interesting point. West led a spade, and East-West cashed four rounds, declarer discarding diamonds from both hands, and East throwing a small heart. Declarer won the heart exit, and cashed the rounded suits, all following. After some thought declarer said "I will play East for the queen of diamonds". The person with the West cards showed the queen, but declarer said, "I said I was playing you for the queen." West said "But I am West." South said,"No, I am North, but I see the board has been rotated through 180 degrees". This was the case, and in the particular event, a club pivot teams, the person holding the South cards on this board should have sat North throughout, and had done on the previous 13 boards. The opponents then asked why he would play "West" for the queen of diamonds, "as the spades were 4-3 making it more likely that "East" has the queen", but declarer said that this did not follow, as the fact that "West" did not have a five-card suit anywhere was more important than the spade break. East-West thought that South had noted the board had been rotated and was having a double shot, and he would have said nothing if "East" did have the queen of diamonds. The atmosphere got quite heated and nearly came to blows with allegations of cheating. So how is "East" defined and how would you rule?
OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at Gods great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, tho they come from the ends of the earth!