Posted 2011-October-25, 00:56
He could have some kind of gambling 3nt eg 6+ good clubs and stoppers in spades and diamonds (but neither Ace) or "should have" 19-20 balanced (or a 16-19 point hand with great clubs but treating it as a balanced 19-20 count as the clubs are too good for a 3♣ rebid)
4♦ has merit, the 4-4 fit might make 7 if his trumps are KQxx or better as long as 1 rough sets up either hearts or clubs and he has both Aces.
so 4♦ it is and if he bids hearts 4nt, if he bids clubs 6♥, if he raises ♦....
- hope that a 5♥ bid is taken as a cue, hoping to hear 5s, then bid 6d again hoping him to think about the hand and what I could possible be after with my bidding, having shown 5-4, cued the A♥ forcing to 6♦? That looks way to tough for partner to work out so maybe after he raises 4♦ to 5♦ I just bid 6♦. Sometimes you just miss a grand.
I also hope he bids 4nt Natural with a 3136 hand, I'll bid 6♥ and if he choose 6nt it's his to play.