Game of Thrones
Posted 2011-April-16, 12:23
The Killing
Game of Thrones
Parks and Recreation
There may actually be hope for TV...
Posted 2011-April-16, 12:37
hrothgar, on 2011-April-16, 12:23, said:
The Killing
Game of Thrones
Parks and Recreation
There may actually be hope for TV...
My youngest son subscribed to HBO just because Game of Thrones will be on. My eldest texted me last night to remind me not to miss it.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists that is why they invented hell. Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-April-18, 03:58
Posted 2011-April-18, 04:26
Posted 2011-April-18, 06:19
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-April-18, 06:25
Fluffy, on 2011-April-18, 04:26, said:
I had a somewhat different interpretation of events:
1. "Practical" trumps "noble"
2. "Luck" is a fickle mistress
I don't think that the traitors always won.
They certainly don't always prosper.
However, doing something stupid is very likely to get you killed.
Posted 2011-April-18, 07:35
EDIT: Now that I remember, there are some characters that you know they have to die because of how the plot goes, but the way they die is completelly artificial, for example I remember the main character of the first book, (Stark?) he does something so stupid that could be considered suicide, and he is suposed to be smart. It made no sense to me, if you need the plot to kill someone, at least you should pay more attention to how you kill a main character.
Posted 2011-April-18, 08:09
Posted 2011-April-18, 08:51
kenberg, on 2011-April-18, 08:09, said:
I had the chance to see the first episode of the series...
I thought that it was pretty good, however, as of yet it isn't as strong as the novel.
Admittedly, I thought that the novels were extremely strong.
They stood head and shoulders above most of the fantasy coming out at that time.
The series is good enough and there is a good crop of actors. However, it has a tough row to hoe...
Posted 2011-April-18, 13:02
A Dance With Dragons is due out July 12th, according to G.R.R. Martin's web site.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2011-April-18, 14:51
I don't think Martin knows how to end the series. He's added too much stuff.
Also, HBO has a terrible record at adaptation - look at the recent Tudor one. Lots of naked bodies injected to spice up the series, a great story to work with, but they have so many blatant historical inaccuracies. Makes me think they will destroy the song of ice and fire series too.
John Nelson.
Posted 2011-April-18, 15:51
hrothgar, on 2011-April-18, 08:51, said:
this is true of most any classic (and i consider this to be classic scifi/fantasy) novel... i liked it, but if i remember correctly the opening scene won't be fully explained until the 4th book or so
Posted 2011-April-23, 05:31
Anyway, someone has just introduced to me to Boardwalk Empire, which I am really getting into and am pleased to see that a second season is coming out this autumn.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2011-April-27, 21:58
I made Adam get HBO for this series. I've been enjoying it so far, but I have been concerned about some of the changes. Like they seem to be trying to make Cat less hateful.
Fluffy, two of the "bad" guys gets theirs in the third book.
Also, he actually finished! Looks like GRRM might make that July 12 date! Yeay! I just hope that he stays ahead of the series. And that there will be enough of a series for him to stay ahead of.
Posted 2011-April-27, 23:29
Posted 2011-April-27, 23:36
I found the first episode disappointing.
I found the second episode almost unwatchable.
1) Young child on death bed watch for most of second episode
2) Another young child is slaughtered like a side a beef, thrown over a horse.
3) Finally to end the second episode a beloved and loyal pet is murdered by I think one of the good guys(father).
If I understand the premise these kingdoms have been around 8,000 years with no progress beyond the "dark ages".
Throw in a bunch of naked women being raped by random guys.
Posted 2011-April-27, 23:45
mike777, on 2011-April-27, 23:36, said:
I found the first episode disappointing.
I found the second episode almost unwatchable.
1) Young child on death bed watch for most of second episode
2) Another young child is slaughtered like a side a beef, thrown over a horse.
3) Finally to end the second episode a beloved and loyal pet is murdered by I think one of the good guys(father).
If I understand the premise these kingdoms have been around 8,000 years with no progress.
Amusingly, these are some of the reasons I like the series (and the books). There are plenty of fantasy stories out there where nothing bad ever happens to good people (or children, or pets) and where the "good guys" always triumph. This is definitely not that sort of story. Despite being fantasy, parts of it are pretty gritty and realistic depictions of life in the middle ages. Children (and especially "commoner" children) did get killed... a lot.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2011-April-28, 00:05
JLOGIC, on 2011-April-27, 23:29, said:
I've been trying not to say anything that would spoil the series for those who haven't read the books (or at least put it in spoiler text, and even that is not too specific, I hope).
I'm glad that you're loving the series. I am really impressed with the good job that they are doing with the whole "feel" from the books.
This is not a spoiler, but what sealed the deal on the Cat hate from me is in the book, during Jon's goodbye to Bran, she told him that she wished it were Jon that had fallen. That's what I think that they cut to try to make her less hateful.
Posted 2011-April-28, 00:07

Number of downloads: 30
(and there's two more versions where that came from.

Posted 2011-April-28, 03:47
awm, on 2011-April-27, 23:45, said:
This is one of the most interesting open ended questions about the series
Will the mass market accept a series
1. Without clearly identified heroes and villains
2. With so much casual cruelty
The science fiction / fantasy community clearly has. A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the most popular series in recent memory. Where this has mass market appeal is another question. I wonder whether ratings might start dropping precipitously as life in Westeros gets progressively more grim.