You folks should see what goes on in online Backgammon. Some people actually type "nr" (nice roll) when you click and the computer rolls a game-winning dice roll for you. I'm always wondering whether it is a subtle way of saying "you lucky goombah, without these great rolls you're getting you'd have no chance!"
My variant is "yay pard", when partner makes a good result and the opponents make no obvious mistakes. There's a skill in seeing a player's single-dummy problems while watching double-dummy, and a related skill in commisserating by assuming that there must be a reason for a result-changing error:
"Unlucky [LHO] -- I'd have ducked that A
♣ as well and paid for it later!" This sort of post-hand comment by the dummy can actually prevent RHO from berating partner, something I just do not need.
"Nice play despite the result pard--finessing the ten works in the long run, but not this time."
I like the Thank You / Grazie story. I think Zia mentioned in his book that the Pakistan team in a world championship event using screens (where it is often awkward to discuss things during a match with partner), had something like this uncontested auction:
Opener: 1NT
Responder: 2
Opener: 2
(no 4-card major)
Responder: 2
(five or more hearts and four spades)
Opener: 2
This was alerted and the opponents asked. "It's artificial," said Responder. "He has a doubleton heart and 2 or 3 spades. He would have bid 2NT, except that 2
♠ also carries the message that he is very sorry about the result on the last hand."