suppose will give my 10 leva worth too....
Congratulations Ben. May i say, in your defence, you are the first forum-master not to issue me a warning (as of today

) and for this you have yet to gain my
FULL respect
Despite my occasional wondering as to when you find time to eat, shave and 'communicate with nature', I find you a very fair moderator who uses his judgement soundly, although, on occasion, you have made me puff a lickle bit harder on my cigarette
I like your posts, although i have to admit, they are sometimes long

. By the time i have read half way through one normally something has happened in between: like a new moon or sumtin. So i have to log where i am at. I only have 2398 more to read, so i have decided to retire early for your benefit.
Keep up the good work. God knows what the next caption for your ranking is going to be!!!
Your Faithful Poster
Alex MDR
PS Do you, by any chance, have a prejudice against Spanish dwarves working in the firefighting industry??