Not 100% clear where you want to be or how you get there
Bid these (matchpoint pairs)
Posted 2023-November-20, 02:58
Not 100% clear where you want to be or how you get there
Posted 2023-November-20, 05:00
I'm stuck now. I think once the double fit is established North is good enough to initiate slam investigation but I don't know how either player can find out enough to deduce the slam requires either the spade king or the diamond queen to be picked up plus the avoidance of a harsh layout so probably at least 60%.
Posted 2023-November-20, 05:06
AL78, on 2023-November-20, 05:00, said:
I'm stuck now. I think once the double fit is established North is good enough to initiate slam investigation but I don't know how either player can find out enough to deduce the slam requires either the spade king or the diamond queen to be picked up plus the avoidance of a harsh layout so probably at least 60%.
6♦ is better (can cope with ♠Kxxx onside) but of course scores less but you're in a room where bidding and making any slam will score well.
Bonus question: there were 5 scores on the traveller, can you guess what they were ?
Posted 2023-November-20, 06:44
Cyberyeti, on 2023-November-20, 05:06, said:
Bonus question: there were 5 scores on the traveller, can you guess what they were ?
At IMPs I'd want to be in 6♦ but at MPs it is less obvious, the strategy being to bid to inferior contracts that score well if they are better than 50/50.
My guess at the five scores:
3NT+3 690
4S+2 680
6♠-1 -100
5♦+1 620
3♠+2 200
Posted 2023-November-20, 07:05
Posted 2023-November-20, 08:21
we play a 5 card major system, weak NT, with a wide ranging 1 NT rebid.
Pass (1) - 1D
1S - 1NT (2)
3D (3) - 4S / 6D (4)
(1) We dont play weak 2- suited openings, and this is not a 1 level opening for us
(2) 15-19
(3) 5/5, gf
(4) ...
You could argue, that given the Aces / Controls, due to right sidening you could and
should blast 6D, I am not doing it, but you can convince me, that it is right.
And if you blast slam, which will be a 28/30 slam, it does not matter which suit, as
long as it makes, and diamonds will be played from the correct side, the lead, wont
be a problem, it may even be helpful.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2023-November-20, 09:12
2♠-4♦ (Strong Jump Shift)
6♦ (? I have a Good weak 2 for slam, with two fits) - 6♠ (? matchpoint greed)
So, there are reasons nobody plays EHAA competitively any more; but it's amusing...
Posted 2023-November-20, 10:00
P_Marlowe, on 2023-November-20, 08:21, said:
we play a 5 card major system, weak NT, with a wide ranging 1 NT rebid.
Pass (1) - 1D
1S - 1NT (2)
3D (3) - 4S / 6D (4)
(1) We dont play weak 2- suited openings, and this is not a 1 level opening for us
(2) 15-19
(3) 5/5, gf
(4) ...
Interestingly we play 4M but otherwise similar NT rebid and open 1m with 4M4m32. Partner fell off the planet a couple of times.
We started:
P (I'd have opened 1♠ and we would have cruised to 6♦ after 1♠-2♣-2♦-2♥-3♦-)-1♦
1♠ (partner forgot to bid 2♠ fit by a passed hand)-1N (15-bad 19)
2♣ (asking, 3♦ would be NF v 15-16 for us)- 3♣ (17-bad 19 4♦4♣ not denying 3♠)
now partner should systemically bid 3♦ but just bid 3N ending the auction.
Posted 2023-November-20, 12:06
mycroft, on 2023-November-20, 09:12, said:
2♠-4♦ (Strong Jump Shift)
6♦ (? I have a Good weak 2 for slam, with two fits) - 6♠ (? matchpoint greed)
So, there are reasons nobody plays EHAA competitively any more; but it's amusing...
I'm a bit surprised that so many North's are passing, but why bid the weaker suit here?
What happens after
3♠-any way to find out the minor suit length?
Posted 2023-November-20, 16:57
Posted 2023-November-20, 17:35
Cyberyeti, on 2023-November-20, 02:58, said:
Not 100% clear where you want to be or how you get there
(1) "10-21, 5+ S, unBAL"
(2) "NAT (GF), not-too-unBAL (GF) or FIT (INV+)"
(3) "10-12", any OR "19-21", some hand types
(4) GF relay, slam interest even opposite "10-12"
(5) 9-11, 5S5m
(6) relay
(7) 5 D
(8) slam try in S
(9) 5S5D(21)
(10) parity key card ask
(11) odd # of key cards, trump Q, ♦K
(12) contract
Posted 2023-November-20, 18:44
mw64ahw, on 2023-November-20, 12:06, said:
- When partner bids 3♣ [1], I can bid 3♦ and play there if it's right.
- When the opponents come in, I can bid diamonds and partner can correct.
I'm playing EHAA - I'm allowed to bid either suit, whichever one I think is safest and best. I think Spades this time (although 2♦-2♥; 2♠ might be a safer run).
3♠-any way to find out the minor suit length?
Well, I'm responding 3NT to 2NT [2]. With the A and the K and the likely diamond fit, he's probably making it.
If I'm not playing EHAA, but can open bad 5-card suits, why would I ever respond 3♠? Either I have a control (two, in fact), or I have a singleton, or I definitely do not have a good suit. I don't know what your 2NT is asking about; those are the common options in the ACBL. Not sure how you find diamonds unless 2♠ is Muiderberg or Polish (in which case, the reason they open 2♠ is that it shows this hand - 2♦ definitely wouldn't show diamonds).
Posted 2023-November-22, 01:53
2NT-3H-3S-4D-4S-5H-6C-6S lol
Will see what happens if I open 1 spade as North

Me and QPlus
Both bidding 2/1 - had to redeal because East jumped in with a weak 2 hearts
Posted 2023-November-22, 04:08
4♠ would net you an undeserved very poor score as the traveller read 3♦+3 once and 3N+3(S) at every other table.
Posted 2023-November-23, 12:21
We play a T-Walsh method, in which we open 1C on all. Balanced hands out of range for notrump, including hands such as 3=3=5=2.
So we’d likely bid:
P. 1C
1H. 1N. 1H shows spades, 1N shows a balanced 17-19 with 3-3 spades
2H. 2S
3C. 3D. 2H transfers, so shows 5+ spades and is mandatory, since responder can be very light…we rarely pass 1C with a 5 card major
3C shows diamonds, gf, at least 5=4 and, if 5=4, some doubt about notrump. 3D shows a liking for diamonds
3H. Ambiguous. Could be a cuebid in support of a diamond slam try or could be heart values, stiff club and doubt about 3N
3S. Shows spade support and thus, since we bid 3D last round, either 3=4 or 3=5 in spades/diamonds and since responder is unlikely to bid 3N, forward going
After this, I think responder likely bids 4C and the auction pretty much can’t end below 6D. In some plausible sequences, somebody bids 5N offering a choice of slams, but both players would/should opt for diamonds, catering to 4-1 spades. Even at mps, I think 6D is the best contract, especially given that responder is a passed hand and, in a matchpoint field, most pairs don’t have the tools needed to have an informed decision.