Bridge humour jokes, memes etc
Posted 2020-October-18, 13:24
Topic for posting bridge jokes, memes and other bridge humour (I've found no existing topic dedicated to it).
Here's a joke by me (I've posted it today on Reddit (to the general jokes subreddit), but the people there seem not to play bridge):
- Why an owner of 4 bridge clubs would give one of them for free only to help Democrats to win the 2020 presidential election?
- Because in bridge, four clubs are worth less then three, but with no trump.
Posted 2020-October-18, 16:55
Posted 2020-October-18, 18:23
Bath Coup getting to use the tub before your roommate.
Doubleton 4,000 pounds.
Dummy (see below).
Partner (see above).
Free Bid all of them, once you pay your entry fee.
Gerber Convention a meeting of baby-food manufacturers.
Jack Denies headlines about Marilyn Monroes relationship with J.F.K.
Key-Card Blackwood an ingenious convention that allows you to get to a grand slam off the ace of trumps.
Law of Total Tricks recent Las Vegas ordinance to reduce prostitution.
Quick Tricks frantic scurry by hookers to beat the ordinance.
Negative Double the one that gets wrapped around your neck.
Reverse Bid an opening like Club One.
Roman Discards Caesars trash.
Short Club a private organization for midgets.
Splinter Bid the only known way to become declarer with a singleton trump in each hand.
Texas Transfer relocation to a branch office in Dallas.
Trump Coup triumph of Ivanas attorneys in securing a huge alimony.
Trump Echo a brand new casino in Atlantic City.
Vienna Coup the mating sound of Austrian doves.
Wolff Sign-off the ending of Little Red Riding Hood.
Posted 2020-October-19, 01:28

If I were going to run some kind of classification over it I reckon 90% of it would come close to the very bottom of the worst of dad jokes - but not quite that funny. What's also sad is that I wanted to be something a smartass (as usual) and post a joke about bridges but they really aren't much better (possibly even worse)
Considering the (alleged) brains that play the game it is rather concerning. It like your parents when checking your report card at end of semester/term would be most disappointed at your grade on Humour 101
Actually one of the funniest and most appropriate did relate to an IQ test and a machine that conversed with you according to your IQ. You should all look it up

Although to be fair what did show up as genuinely amusing/funny were anecdotes (real or apocryphal)
I being really mean and with apologies to the page I found this on and the paraphrasing I liked the following one (apolgoies for the paraphrase)
A: How did your appointment with your cardiologist go?
B: She said I can't play bridge anymore
A : Why, because of your heart problem?
B: No, she said I'm not good enough
Oh, I remembered, there was a Precision joke but I didn't get it at all. Actually I shouldn't put myself down. I did kind of get it. I remember. But I couldn't possibly remember it and get it right

Maybe its time for Bridgebase to organise a joke competition with BBO masterpoints on offer for the top few best jokes
Posted 2020-October-19, 12:51

Posted 2020-October-19, 15:31
thepossum, on 2020-October-19, 01:28, said:

If I were going to run some kind of classification over it I reckon 90% of it would come close to the very bottom of the worst of dad jokes - but not quite that funny. What's also sad is that I wanted to be something a smartass (as usual) and post a joke about bridges but they really aren't much better (possibly even worse)
Considering the (alleged) brains that play the game it is rather concerning. It like your parents when checking your report card at end of semester/term would be most disappointed at your grade on Humour 101
Actually one of the funniest and most appropriate did relate to an IQ test and a machine that conversed with you according to your IQ. You should all look it up

Although to be fair what did show up as genuinely amusing/funny were anecdotes (real or apocryphal)
I being really mean and with apologies to the page I found this on and the paraphrasing I liked the following one (apolgoies for the paraphrase)
A: How did your appointment with your cardiologist go?
B: She said I can't play bridge anymore
A : Why, because of your heart problem?
B: No, she said I'm not good enough
Oh, I remembered, there was a Precision joke but I didn't get it at all. Actually I shouldn't put myself down. I did kind of get it. I remember. But I couldn't possibly remember it and get it right

Maybe its time for Bridgebase to organise a joke competition with BBO masterpoints on offer for the top few best jokes
Coincidentally, I've lost a hand today (by allowing my robot partner to overbid) just because my heart was not good enough: I even created a topic about it since I don't quite understand the bidding. (Not a joke.)
Posted 2020-October-19, 20:26
Josef Stalin sits down to play a little bridge with three of his underlings. Stalin deals and the auction goes 1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1♣-p-p-p.
Posted 2020-October-19, 21:39
The outlook wasn't brilliant for poor Skinny Miles that day,
For Folline was his partner with one rubber left to play,
And Hodges sat on one side, and Warner on the other,
And no one at the table felt like anybody's brother.
But Skinny made a game bid, and Emily a partial,
And Hodges leered at Warner as if this were all quite farcial.
The cards were being shuffled when Hodges had to go,
So Sobel softly shouted I'LL SUBSTITUTE, YOU KNOW!
He strode up to the table in his best director's manner
Holding aloft his cooking-and-creek as if it were a banner.
WHO DEALS? he whispered gently, and the cards blew on the floor.
WE'LL WIN THIS RUBBER YET he murmured, and down went Skinny's door.
There was ease in Skinny's manner as he answered It's my deal.
There was pride in Skinny's bearing as he asked Are you for real?
But Sobel wasn't buffaloed, he shuffled up the deck,
He seemed to feel quite certain Folline would stick out Skinny's neck.
Three pairs of eyes were on him as he handed Skin the cards,
Three pairs of ears were listening as he said Remember, Dave, we're pards!
Then as the deal was finished, he took another nip -
Defiance gleamed in Sobel's eye, a sneer curled Sobel's lip.
By now the hands were sorted, and Skinny's spirits sank -
Not an honor card was in his mitt, in fact his holding stank.
Six diamonds to the none-spot, seven clubs topped by the eight -
This ain't my style he muttered, as he bemoaned his fate.
By me he offered sadly, and he hoped that by his moan
Folline would quickly see she was entirely on her own.
He turned to look at Sobel to see what he would bid
And his spirits dropped still further, for Al's glee could not be hid.
With a smile of Christian charity great Sobel's visage shone -
Don't worry, Dave old pal he said, I'll bid this hand alone.
He lifted up his glass, called Diamonds, Six in accents bold,
But when Skin heard what followed was when his blood ran cold.
For Folline, swaying gently, looked Al right in the eye
And shouted Seven Diamonds as she poured another rye.
Fraud! cried the anguished Skinny as he looked at her nonplussed,
But one scornful look from Folline and he knew that bid he must.
They saw his face grow red as if inside it were a devil -
He had to bid a blank suit at the lofty seven level!
But Warner knew it too and so refrained from saying Double -
Far be it from a broker to get a fellow out of trouble.
The sneer is gone from Sobel's lips, he's licking them instead,
Anticipating quite a set - his hand's gone to his head!
And now poor Skinny grits his teeth, and now the deed is did,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Skinny's bid
And somewhere in Virginia there's the sound of singing boids,
And somewhere Skin won't have to choose between two aching voids -
But not at Miles Away, where bridge is now considered vice,
For Skin chose spades instead, when seven hearts was cold as ice.
Posted 2020-October-20, 03:06
(I opened 1♥ and then left the seat to GiB.)
Posted 2020-October-20, 03:19
This rare case, when a tenace really consists of a ten and an ace.
Posted 2020-October-20, 07:53
Posted 2020-October-20, 10:48
pilowsky, on 2020-October-19, 15:46, said:
No, because it is too late.
Posted 2020-October-20, 11:14
Posted 2020-October-20, 14:27
kenberg, on 2020-October-20, 07:53, said:
If she likes maths humour, show her this. It was on the front page of the university maths society newsletter when I joined them over 30 years ago and is still my favourite maths-related story/joke.
Posted 2020-October-21, 05:23
PS Possibly risky use of slang that I did check and hopefully doesnt cause any international or other misundrstandings over meanings etc
Its meant to mean (in my slang) getting upset etc
Posted 2020-October-21, 13:03
Off topic, sorry, but it is Sigourney Weaver.