Posted 2021-September-29, 17:07
I so love forget transfers, except this time it's the defence, not the NT bidders' side.
Same problem though.
Standard UI/MI case.
East has UI that wakes him up to his agreement. He must carefully avoid using that information. He bid 2♦ to play, and partner bid hearts. I don't know what it means in his natural system, but assuming it means "my hearts are better than your diamonds", then you decide whether it's "logical" to pass - probably by polling. If it is forward-going in his "system", then do that dance instead.
West almost certainly has UI that East forgot, because he made that clear during the auction - either by flinching at the Alert, or saying something, or being emphatic about 3 *diamonds*. I don't guarantee that, but it's very likely, and you have to investigate. You also have to investigate their whole agreement to know how they would show a good ♥+♦ hand - I mean, why couldn't East have A75 KQ874 K987 5 or even the same hand with South's ♠K?
If you decide that West does not have UI or previous experience with this partner, then he can "guess" that partner forgot, and if he's right (frankly, the 5 hearts help), then he gets to guess right. With UI, though, same deal applies; is going back to hearts (at 3 or 4 level) logical?
Now, those 5 hearts concern me because West bid all of 2♥ the first time. If she's a weak player, okay; but if she's at all decent, I would like to understand why she only bid 2♥ with a 10- or 11- card fit. Maybe she's concerned already that partner might have forgot? And why would she guess that?
Now to N/S. They got the correct agreement, so they weren't misinformed, so they don't really have a case. Unless. If West's reason for bidding 2♥ was "partner's rusty, I think he might have forgotten", then the correct agreement is "hearts, but partner's rusty and might have forgotten". And if that makes some other action more likely, then maybe a weighted score is in order.
If you're polling me, I believe from my experience:
- if East thought 2♦ shows diamonds, then whether 2♥ is "my hearts are better", or "forward going", he's not passing. Maybe 2NT is an option, but likely 3♦.
- People don't "guess right" in forgot transfer situations without history or flinch, and if it was there, I think some number of hearts is a logical action. But if you investigate and believe there was no UI or concealed partnership experience that led to the "guess", then no infraction means no adjustment.
- If N/S had been told "hearts, or diamonds if partner forgot, because this is his first game in two years", I don't think that information leads to any different auction.
So, I can see score stands; I can see 2♥; I can see 3♥; I can see 4♦ (probably doubled); I can see a fraction of several results.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)