2 clubs opening bid response
Posted 2021-January-17, 10:22
I learnt one way and my partner another
Posted 2021-January-17, 10:34
I passed a strong non-GF 2C with J 7th C and out...
Posted 2021-January-17, 10:53
2D is negative 0-7 (and over 2C-2D-2H/S 2NT is a second negative, showing a terrible hand)
Any other suit bid is 8+ hcp and natural, should be a reasonable suit
2NT is a scruffy flattish 8-10
With my regular partner I play 2D as more of a relay and a very good quality suit is required for a positive (roughly AKJ1098)
Control showing responses also used to be fashionable
The Kokish convention by opener is also popular these days (2C-2D-2H is a relay)
But there isn't really a "right" answer, just agree something and go with it
Posted 2021-January-17, 11:27
maris oren, on 2021-January-17, 10:22, said:
I learnt one way and my partner another
Where you are makes a difference too.
Some play a 2♥ response as an absolute bust with 2♦ guaranteeing something, for others 2♦ is the weakest bid.
It used to be a thing that you responded artificially with how many controls you have, but few if any do that now.
Posted 2021-January-17, 11:40
Posted 2021-January-17, 13:27
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2021-January-17, 14:14
maris oren, on 2021-January-17, 10:22, said:
- 2♦ = ART. A king or less.
- 2♥ = ART. 2 controls (A or KK).
- 2♠ = ART. 3 controls (AK).
- 2N = ART. 3 controls (KKK)
- 3♣ = 4 controls.
But without detailed discussion, you might try ..
- 2♦ = REL. Catch all.
- 2♥/2♠/3♣/3♦ = NAT good 6+ card suit
- 2N = BAL 9+ HCP with tenaces.
Posted 2021-January-17, 14:43
maris oren, on 2021-January-17, 10:22, said:
I learnt one way and my partner another
Who can adjust more easily to the other's way of playing it?
If you're playing Standard American (the plug-and-play of systems) or one of its offshoots:
For beginners, I'd recommend 2♦ waiting because that allows auctions similar to 1-level openers and has the friendliest learning curve. I'd add the double negative response as something beginners should use from the very start, even though I didn't learn it. After a 2♣ opener:
- 2♦ = waiting bid, not stopping below game (some play it only forcing one round)
- 2♥ = total bust hand (0-2 HCP or so), opener rebids whatever contract they want to play in
- 2♠ = natural ♠ bid, whatever partnership has agreed is required
- 2NT = natural ♥ bid, whatever partnership has agreed is required
Fairly intuitive and easy to remember.
With non-beginners, I've lost track of how many different response systems I've seen used by SA players. 2♦ waiting is most common, controls (aces and kings) and HCP showing up often enough that I'm not surprised.
Posted 2021-January-17, 15:16
2♦ = 0-5 hcp & 0-1 control
2♥ = 6+ hcp & 0-1 control
2♠ = 2 controls
2NT = 3 controls (3 Kings)
3♣ = 3 controls (A+K)
3♦ = 4 controls, etc.
Not enough hands yet to decide upon usefulness.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2021-January-17, 22:09
2♦: basically waiting, but promises an A or K
2♥: As above, but denies an A or K. Not necessarily a bust, could in theory be as strong as QJx QJx QJx QJxx or similar. The point is it denies a quick trick, which often lets opener rule out slam immediately. If we do end up exploring, responders cuebids are now unambiguously shortness.
2NT: 3 kings and at least semi-balanced. I'm not a fan of control responses in general, but I like this one, because it will very often rightside 3N/6N.
Other bids: Natural, good suit. Minimum being something like AKTxx or KQTxxx.
Posted 2021-January-18, 16:58
nige1, on 2021-January-17, 14:14, said:
- 2♦ = REL. Catch all.
- 2♥/2♠/3♣/3♦ = NAT good 6+ card suit
- 2N = BAL 9+ HCP with tenaces.
I slightly prefer:
- 2♦ = REL. Catch all.
- 2♥/2♠ = NAT good 5+ card suit
- 3♣/3♦ = NAT good 6+ card suit
- 2N = minors 5-5
Never saw any sense in a natural 2NT death reply.
Posted 2021-January-18, 17:07
2♦: 0-1 control (A=2, K=1)
2♥: 2 controls
2♠: 3 controls
2NT: 4 controls
3♣: 5+ controls
3♦: weak two bid in hearts, 6 hearts and about 4-6 points, GF
3♥: weak two bid in spades, 6 spades and about 4-6 points, GF
There's more, but this is enough for now. :-)
Note: a 2♣ opener usually ought to have at least six controls (there are twelve controls in the deck). Also, the 2♥ and higher bids are forcing to game. It should be no surprise to hear that 2♣-2♦-2NT can be passed.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2021-January-19, 07:19