AL78, on 2020-October-07, 08:16, said:
Amazing. Playing with one of my regular partners this problem would not arise, because they would have led their fourth highest diamond (as would everyone else defending the same contract and same declarer).
Agreed. This is what caused me to caveat with a title and additional description in the OP. The bots do tend to make weird opening leads.
The way I saw it, declarer was likely to be 3=3=5=2 OR 3=3=4=3 (bots rarely/never bypass a 4-card major to bid 1NT). In reality West GIB held 3=3=3=4 and partner had divined to lead top of doubleton!
I thought my switch to
♥9 was sound. I still am unsure if I made the right switch (in principle).
My guess: ♦AT, hoping GIB that has KJ9xx and isn't bogged down in its new Double-dummy Misère mode.