Winstonm, on 2021-June-06, 13:22, said:
I mean lousy in the sense of lousy grand slam - small slam is fine. I think if you find the 4-1 you are forced into an inferior line. don’t you?
With the 4-1, I would like to play this as a simple heart/club squeeze against lho but I need two club tricks so I would have to take the ruffing finesse prior to testing trumps would I not? Otherwise I have no entry back to hand.
Why go for a ruffing finesse at all ?
There are several things you can do, simple heart finess, simple club finesse or some sort of ruffing finesse line, if trumps had been 3-2 you could have played your original line.
Calculating the odds, if trumps are 3-2 you need the
♥Q to drop in 3 or the clubs 3-3 onside or RHO to have 4 hearts and 4 clubs to the K, or a stiff Q
♥ and the club K onside to 3.
So that's 67.8% x ((35.5% + 16.1%) + (48.4% x 17.8%)) if they're 3-2 (plus a little bit for a 5-1 heart break with a stiff Q where you need the club K onside to 3, and the squeeze) which is a little over 41% for the 3-2 trump breaks without adding much for the small chances.
If trumps are 4-1 you can take the heart finesse, if they're 3-3 onside you're gin, if they're 4-2 onside you need clubs 3-3 onside, if the hand with 4 diamonds has 4 small hearts also you just need the club K onside (probably non stiff).
so that's (given the known 1-4 trump break) (hearts 3-3 onside = 17% + 2/3 (32.84% x 19.58%) (hearts 4-2 onside and
♣Kxx onside) + 1/3x (15.33%)x 1/2 x 5/10 (E to hold 4-4 reds and
♣K you should deduct for a stiff K as you may not have the entries) so around another 7% so it's pretty close to 50:50, not one you want to be in but not terrible.
CybeYeti 'So you're playing a minor national final, and nothing is going your way. MP pairs. We had an auction That started 1♣-1♥-2♦-3♠ (splinter) and wound up in 7♦, W leads a spade, take it from there.'
Hands transposed to make West dealer.
My guess: ♠K. ♣A. ♠A (throwing a ♣). Ruff a ♣ (Assume that ♣K does not appear) ♦A, Ruff a ♣ with ♦Q. ♦KJ2. if LHO has 4♣s then hope for a double squeeze.