Partner opens 1S. Opponent overcalls 1nt. You double which gets passed out. Our opening bids of a major show 14hcps OR 11hcps with both majors.
What do you lead holding the following:
J 9 8 5 3
A Q 8 7
Q 9 5
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Opening leads Opening lead queston
Posted 2020-August-31, 09:10
You are playing Fantunes with this bidding structure, so the opponents would have pulled 1NT if partner has 5♠/4♥. I dislike leading singletons of my partner's suit against a no-trump contract, so I would opt for either the ♥5 or ♥3 depending on your leads. Partner could turn up with any of 4 possible cards in the ♥s suit that would help you establish tricks.
However, if you have a partner who insists that you always lead his/her suit, then it's a ♠.
However, if you have a partner who insists that you always lead his/her suit, then it's a ♠.
Posted 2020-August-31, 09:27
We have the agreement that we treat H98 as an honour sequence so I lead the 9♥
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Alroy 'What do you lead ?'
I rank ...
1. ♥5 or ♥3
2, ♠4