Posted 2020-August-01, 08:56
You were, imo, correct in saying ‘pass’
If partner has a hand strong enough for your side to ‘own the hand’, he’ll take action when the auction comes back to him, and now you can bid. Say he has some 1=4=3=5 or 1=3=4=5, with 16+..and Lho raises to 2S. Partner doubles, you bid 3H.
If partner has a weak hand with spade length, then with your hand you’re almost surely best of defending 1S if Lho passes.
Meanwhile, look what double does if partner does not have 4 hearts.
With a flat 12-13, and a spade card, he bids 1N. I don’t like my chances in 1N when my hand is probably worth only 1 trick. Or, worse, he bids clubs...a live possibility given your hand.
Once in a while, you pass, LHO bids and partner, even with 4 hearts, is shut out, and you miss a partial. Bridge is a game of probabilities, and aiming to be ‘right’ on every bidding decision is aiming at the impossible. Instead, aim to be a steady, reliable bidder, who listens to the auction and stays within himself, and system parameters. Here, bidding is more likely to mislead partner and/or reach a poor spot than it is necessary to attain a good outcome.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
dickiegera "I do not have enough points to neg Double and not enough to over call 2♥. I guess I must pass. ALL CORRECT? Must I wait and see if I can bid later? Under what circumstance could I later bid?"
FWIW, I'd pass. I don't want to excite partner because of the potential misfit. LHO is likely to bid or partner to protect, so I might get another chance to show my ♥s.