PeterAlan, on 2019-November-26, 18:21, said:
It seems to me that your regulations (the start of which I quote above, assuming I've found the correct document) define quite clearly what is meant by "convention" (and by extension "conventional") for the purposes of those regulations, and there is no need to refer to any other document to determine its meaning. "Artificial" occurs three times (in the definitions of transfer and puppet bids, and in one of the examples in 5.1(d)), and, whilst the term is not defined in the document, in all these cases the intended meaning would seem to be both clear and also unchanged if "conventional" were to be used instead.
The first of the bids in your OP is clearly "conventional"; I would have regarded the second as being so as well, given the broad interpretation of "conveys a meaning other than" in 2.1.1, but I note that it is cited as a "natural" call in 3.3.2(b), which states that it is nevertheless to be alerted.
Well spotted! That anomaly with the nature of a 1
♥ opening that denies 4+ spades was one of the reasons for the post.
I suspect that the next rewrite of the ABF Alerting Regs will replace Conventional with Artificial, using the definition in the Laws as a guide.
They will need heaps more examples of Artificial Calls, plus "natural" calls that need to be alerted.
When the basis for an alerting regime is "Alert all artificial calls except ...." it is important that everyone understands what constitutes an Artificial Call. I for one am still uncertain. It's good that the WBF has offered some (controversial) clarifications.
Of course it is still up to RA to decide whether to accept them.
An interesting case is Brown Sticker conventions.
The WBF Systems Policy includes this:
2.4. The following conventions or treatments are categorised as 'Brown Sticker':
An overcall of a natural opening bid of one of a suit that does not promise at least four cards in a known suit.
(Note that the WBF is not deterred from using "natural" even though the Laws do not mention it.)
Some pairs use wonder bids / RCO / Suction etc over a strong club or 1NT.
Note that - in events where Brown Sticker conventions are not permitted - they cannot bid that way over a natural 1
♥ opening.
Can they use Suction over a 2+ 1
♣ opening?
Obviously, that depends on whether 1
♣ on a doubleton is an Artificial Call.
The WBF is suggesting No.