Posted 2019-November-01, 17:38
I don't mind the first double. The alternative is 1H and then double, assuming that double makes sense, next time, and with a heart raise, we can always bid spades, if below game and the auction makes sense. My style is that the prototypical 1H then double promises approximately 3=6=3=1, with about these values.
As I say, I wouldn't get too worked up about this.
1S, again I can take it or leave it: I'd probably not bid it because the suit is dreadful, the shape is worse, and the strength is minimum. If partner can't act again, where am I going? And I doubt that 1D is being passed out....since partner either has some diamonds (as do we) or he has a big hand. In the first case, South is probably bidding and in the second West is definitely bidding.
However, while one can argue that the initial bids by E-W were or were not ok, 4S is silly. Partner didn't bid 2S...he bid 1S. 3S asks: do you have a reason to bid 4? IOW, given that 1S is fairly tightly constrained, 3S asks...are you average or better. As it is, since East is sub-minimum, even 3S is a terrible contract, on the auction. Had 3S failed, the blame would, imo, rest on East because 1S would be the worst call of the auction. As it is, 4S is so much worse than 1S that West wears most of the blame. However, since a pass by East over 1D would likely have avoided the bad result, and since pass is, imo, much better than 1S, East wears a little....say 80-20.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari