I hate to boost old threads but...
I think (as with most bureaucratic interference) a measure allegedly intended to assist clients/users/customers/visitors/passers by of web sites/businesses in their privacy information has provided a way for unscrupulous entities to get you to agree to something. How many just hit agree without checking
Maybe it was always intended thus
That's what I think of the EU
The inevitable edit. And when you look at the rise of authoritarian/fascist/whatever questionnable tendencies in the world maybe the cookie law was part of the plan
I used to support Remain - then I found the EU cookie law Bureaucracy gone mad
Posted 2022-May-11, 04:39
So thanks to Brexit we no longer have to deal with the "cookie law" (and everything else in GDPR)? Right?
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke
Posted 2022-May-11, 06:21
cherdano, on 2022-May-11, 04:39, said:
So thanks to Brexit we no longer have to deal with the "cookie law" (and everything else in GDPR)? Right?

If we bypass their sites maybe. Or if you don't have visitors from the EU maybe.
They control most of us with it whether we like it or not
I managed to get round their total global control by not using anything on my site that needs cookies

I was also able to avoid their fascistic control over my design decisions by excluding most content management/delivery solutions too

I was also able to bypass their meddling in my business decisions by shopping around extensively to find a web hosting company that provided such solutions without needing to use those platforms