PhilG007, on 2019-October-05, 06:52, said:
You have a known 8 card diamond fit
NINE card diamond fit. Partner should not ever rebid 2D in competition with only 5. In general one avoids rebidding 5 cd suits unless there is no reasonable alternative and you are kind of forced into it. Responder to opening bidder is still there, can balance back in with double or 2d if you belong in diamonds when opener has only 5. With only 5 should not emphasize diamonds so much, as partner may prefer 1nt, or defending spades, or hearts.
You could try a directional asking bid of 2♠ asking for a spade stop or stops.but you need a partial stop in the suit to operate this device.
You need a GF hand to operate this device, not a partial stop. Because partner might respond 3H to this with Hx hearts not holding a spade stopper, or if he bids 2nt a bid of 3D by you will be taken as forcing (since with an invitational hand you would just raise 2D to 3D).
Meanwhile, you don't need a partial stop when you have a GF. Otherwise you would be unable to reach 3nt games when partner has a spade stop but you do not have a partial stop. The first cue does not need a partial stop. A *second* cue can be defined as showing a partial stop.
If partner retreats back todiamonds you've given the opposition unnecessary valuable information. Partner has signed off showing a
minimal hand and you have 11 points..not enough for game and you have no other suit to show. Passing 2♦
seems to be the sensible and safest option. imho.
You have a decent 3nt opposite Kx xxx AQxxxx Kx. Partner won't accept an invite on that but can easily have more. Passing 2
♦ is the best/safest option to insure a plus score, as sometimes 3d/3nt fail, but it is not "sensible" to miss a bucketload of good 3nt games. Bridge isn't a game of "just go plus". You need to risk going down occasionally to bid your games, if your gains from bidding and making the games adequately compensate you for the times you go down.
Also, if you raise to 3D and it goes down 1, often this is an OK score, because if you passed the opp was going to balance, get to a making 2S, so you would have pushed to 3D anyway.