Could 6NT demonstrably have been suggested Law 16B
Posted 2019-February-07, 09:44
4N cannot be straight blackwood sensibly when an ace has been denied. I'd be inclined to bid that, and partner should bid 6♣ where we would rest for a touch above average, and would be the right spot from W's POV if E was lacking Q♦.
Posted 2019-February-07, 10:19
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-06, 13:50, said:
Why? What makes you think that your hand is worth more than you’ve already shown? Partner can be without values and only have a long hearts suit. Or are you a descendant of king Charles II, who, according to Jenny Uglow in her book on the Restoration, was ‘A Gambling Man’.

Posted 2019-February-07, 10:30
Posted 2019-February-07, 10:54
sanst, on 2019-February-07, 09:39, said:
That is certainly sound reasoning in general, but maybe more borderline here where W is promising (and has) enough strength to make 3NT on her own. The opponents might have 5 trumps and some potential to ruff too.
Posted 2019-February-07, 11:05
lamford, on 2019-February-07, 10:30, said:
Ok but here we are at the crux of the matter.
How should or can the hypothesis of suggestion be demonstrated?
Does demonstration require a poll of peers who affirm it, at least if this is practical to organise?
Should the Director poll first to establish the LAs and only then to establish any suggestion?
Posted 2019-February-07, 11:40
sanst, on 2019-February-07, 10:19, said:

I have a potentially cold slam opposite a yarborough and partner can have a lot more than that
Posted 2019-February-07, 12:12
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-07, 11:40, said:
So you’re final call will be 10NT. I don’t know what you considered a ‘cold slam’, but nine tricks don’t count as one in my book. Or means cold -800?
Posted 2019-February-07, 12:29
However, after a long hesitation before the 4H bid, opener is going to find it difficult to justify the 6NT bid as not being "unauthorized panic".
Posted 2019-February-07, 13:20
sanst, on 2019-February-07, 12:12, said:
xx, xxxxxx, void, xxxxx is an EXCELLENT 6♣ (and pretty good 7), partner is known to hold 6 hearts for the 4♥ bid, you can underwrite 10 tricks in hearts if they break (and he only has 6) and would be unlucky not to have 11.
Don't be ridiculous also, I said I wouldn't bid 6, but I would make a try and partner would bid 6.
Posted 2019-February-07, 14:45
lamford, on 2019-February-07, 10:30, said:
Yes - so West took steps to ensure that a slam wasn't missed, no matter what the bid meant nor of what east was thinking. that is not 'carefully avoiding' making use of the UI.
I don't know the system being used and it is quite possible that 4♥ meant - "I don't have a bust partner" in which case I accept that 6NT looks perfectly reasonable missing an Ace since there are plenty of smaller cards East may have that makes the contract reasonable. (and west may not be able tofind out what they are).
Get the facts. No matter what people say, get the facts from both sides BEFORE you make a ruling or leave the table.
Remember - just because a TD is called for one possible infraction, it does not mean that there are no others.
In a judgement case - always refer to other TDs and discuss the situation until they agree your decision is correct.
The hardest rulings are inevitably as a result of failure of being called at the correct time. ALWAYS penalize both sides if this happens.
Posted 2019-February-07, 15:37
weejonnie, on 2019-February-07, 14:45, said:
I know the system quite well (it was inflicted on me for a couple of years) and I am fairly sure that 4♥ is unexpected (strong partner's bid of game/slam following the opening convention is nominally and almost always a signoff) but nevertheless legitimate and natural non-forcing. So the implication is certainly "we are not in the usual situation partner", but not necessarily "I don't have a bust partner", although some might argue that the latter is a due inference from normal bridge logic.
Posted 2019-February-08, 02:55
pescetom, on 2019-February-07, 15:37, said:
OK - so partner says (bridge logically) "I know I am supposed to shut up but I really don't like NT, let's play hearts". I am now more predisposed to allow 6N ("When facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" JM Keynes)
Get the facts. No matter what people say, get the facts from both sides BEFORE you make a ruling or leave the table.
Remember - just because a TD is called for one possible infraction, it does not mean that there are no others.
In a judgement case - always refer to other TDs and discuss the situation until they agree your decision is correct.
The hardest rulings are inevitably as a result of failure of being called at the correct time. ALWAYS penalize both sides if this happens.
Posted 2019-February-08, 08:26
I imagine yes, but prefer to be sure.
Posted 2019-February-08, 09:03
pescetom, on 2019-February-08, 08:26, said:
I imagine yes, but prefer to be sure.
If the facts were different, you might well adjust to 4H, but you would poll Souths of similar ability and find out how many of them led a diamond against 4H. Just because 6H made does not mean 4H will make +2 and some weighting of +1 might well be appropriate.
Posted 2019-February-08, 13:26
lamford, on 2019-February-08, 09:03, said:
Makes sense.
But I was wondering about what would happen if some unsatisfied hothead appealed to have 4H+1 because 4H+2 cannot be made against optimal defence (an unlikely diamond from the hand I posted earlier). I trust it would be thrown out.
Posted 2019-February-08, 16:59
pescetom, on 2019-February-08, 13:26, said:
But I was wondering about what would happen if some unsatisfied hothead appealed to have 4H+1 because 4H+2 cannot be made against optimal defence (an unlikely diamond from the hand I posted earlier). I trust it would be thrown out.
I think a poll would be done and if there is evidence that some players would find the diamond lead then a weighted decision made.
Get the facts. No matter what people say, get the facts from both sides BEFORE you make a ruling or leave the table.
Remember - just because a TD is called for one possible infraction, it does not mean that there are no others.
In a judgement case - always refer to other TDs and discuss the situation until they agree your decision is correct.
The hardest rulings are inevitably as a result of failure of being called at the correct time. ALWAYS penalize both sides if this happens.
Posted 2019-February-10, 23:48
pescetom, on 2019-February-08, 13:26, said:
But I was wondering about what would happen if some unsatisfied hothead appealed to have 4H+1 because 4H+2 cannot be made against optimal defence (an unlikely diamond from the hand I posted earlier). I trust it would be thrown out.
When you assign an adjusted score, you're generally supposed to assume the likely result. That doesn't necessarily mean optimal defense if it would be hard to find.
Weighted scores can be assigned when you think multiple results are reasonably likely. E.g. if there's a 2-way finesse and you can't predict which way declarer would go, you can give each result 50% weight.
Posted 2019-February-11, 01:19
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-07, 11:40, said:
"Opposite a yarborough" doesn't usually mean "opposite a truly remarkably-shaped yarborough"!
London UK
Posted 2019-February-11, 03:36
gordontd, on 2019-February-11, 01:19, said:
OK, maybe I should have said opposite the right yarborough, and it's not that remarkable given that he's known to hold 6 or more hearts and it's only a very minor variation on the shape he actually held.
More seriously, QJxxxx and out is at least a 50% 6♥ and could be a lot better than that (Q 7th and out, you have to find the diamond lead to make it 50% IF the heart hand has as many as 2). My contention is that the hesitation suggests 6N over 6♥ as 6♥ is better on many hands that have an auto 4♥ bid rather than one with a hesitation.
Posted 2019-February-11, 04:37
Cyberyeti, on 2019-February-07, 11:40, said:
That potentially cold slam you also had the round before... yet you chose to bid a non-forcing 3NT.
The problem is to demonstrate that the hesitation suggested to bid 6NT.
The problem is not to demonstrate that pass is an LA to someone who was willing to play 3NT the round before.
I can see only one reason for bidding 6NT: If West doesn't know the meaning of 4♥ (natural/transfer ?!?), then 6NT is a reasonable shot to run from a disaster to something that just might work out well. But then I would expect West to tell that immediately to the TD.
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