Deleted due to attitude of respobders
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:23
thepossum, on 2018-November-03, 15:14, said:
Playing 3NT against the best lead of a spade, declarer has 6 top diamond tricks, 3 clubs after taking 2 club finesses, and ♠A for 10 top tricks.
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:32
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:33
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:39
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:41
thepossum, on 2018-November-03, 15:14, said:
Recently played this. Almost everyone was in 3NT and as far as I'm concerned should not have made it. Decent defence would kill it.
You really need to learn how to count to 9 before giving advice about how good or bad a given contract is...
Not only is 3N cold and makes a few overtricks
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:48
thepossum, on 2018-November-03, 15:14, said:
Press the 'GiB' button to get double dummy analysis. The numbers on green background are available overtricks against optimal defence.
Posted 2018-November-03, 15:58
pescetom, on 2018-November-03, 15:50, said:
Then I question its programming. On a spade lead, all East has to do is hold onto the SQ and HA. Now West can keep all four clubs to stop that suit, plus a card to get to East's hand. That kills any slam, and West can even hold another winner on the run of the diamonds.
It does make on any other lead since you have time to get two heart tricks.
Posted 2018-November-03, 16:03
pescetom, on 2018-November-03, 15:39, said:
GIB says 10 tricks in NT on a spade lead.
5♦ given a virtually certain heart ruff is the same 50:50 as 3N. At teams I'd rather be in 5♦ (loses 1 IMP if the club finesse works but the K doesn't come down (3 if it does drop), gains 3 if the club finesse fails). Matchpoints is a coin flip.
Posted 2018-November-03, 16:10
sfi, on 2018-November-03, 15:58, said:
Right of course, and not Bo's fault: I had J and K of clubs swapped during data input.
Corrected it gives 4NT, 5D and 4C.
Posted 2018-November-03, 16:13
Posted 2018-November-03, 16:38
Partner has shown values by bidding 3 ♥ and is likely to hold something in the black suits unless opener has made some really ratty 2 ♥ bid. So 3 NT is an alternative. Following that wise bridge tip by ?(Hamman? Wolff?) "when in the auction 3 NT is an alternative, it probably should be bid."
Posted 2018-November-03, 17:33
nige1, on 2018-November-03, 17:23, said:
IMO, at MPs, 3N is as good as or better than 6♦
thePossum seems to want to share his insights,however, rather than to elicit comment - He doesn't care what anybody says
I don't think he was suggesting 6♦, more 5♦.
Without the 2♥ opener, 5♦ is clearly superior at IMPs and about even at MPs. With it where the ruff against 5♦ is virtually guaranteed, it's much closer at IMPs.
Posted 2018-November-04, 01:15
Partner has a balanced hand 5332, and in this day and age it is even very acceptable to open 1NT with 6322 shape with a good(ish) six card minor, and one of the reasons for that is the highlighted phrase in the first paragraph. And it is also quite acceptable to finish in 3NT with just a single stopper in a side suit: it happens every day of the week.
Your hand doesn't normally gain any tricks by having ♦s as trumps and ruffing in the long hand, and there are two less tricks to make in a 3NT contract too.
I trust, like my co-commentators, that I have convinced you that 3NT is a better contract, possum, and I am sure they will also agree once in a while 5♦ will be the better place to be, but on percentages many, many pairings will chance their arm with a 3NT contract holding the South hand.
Posted 2018-November-04, 07:28
1. In addition to what you get from GIB, D.F. reveals which leads, if any, will defeat the contract.
2. D.F. allows you to modify the hand slightly to see whether some seemingly small change in the opponents cards will change the outcome.
3. By stepping through the hand trick by trick using D.F., you can sometimes see whether making (or defeating) the contract requires some miraculous play along the way or something more vanilla.
Recently played this. Almost everyone was in 3NT and as far as I'm concerned should not have made it.
Decent defence would kill it. So why did everyone except me bid it on a 50-50 finesse.
Beginners are learning to bid this way on distributional suit contracts.
IMO, at MPs, 3N is as good as or better than 5♦
thePossum seems happy to share his insights with us beginners, however,
rather than to elicit comment