Table Result 4H= NS+620
RR got very lucky on this board from the North London Xmas duplicate, and this top helped him win the event. After ChCh bid a pre-emptive 3H, the Rabbit added two for his singleton diamond and he thought his spade honours were well placed (!) and decided to add a fourth. West, SB, led a top diamond and switched to the jack of clubs. The Rabbit wondered whether 3NT would have been easier, and had no choice but to let the club run. East, MM, won with the king, and led the jack of spades. RR now recalled that West had bid spades, and thought the finesse was likely to fail, so he rose with the ace, crossed to the ace of clubs, and led the queen of hearts. MM never covered the first honour even if it was right to do so and played low. RR had no choice but to repeat the heart finesse and led the jack and East covered this time. South won and 'exited' with the eight of hearts, but that held the trick. He was waiting for East to lead, when MM said "You won the trick." "Oh, can I see the last one then?" replied RR. "No, you can't," chipped in SB. "The lead is in South." RR cashed the queen of clubs and then wondered if the seven was a winner, and thought it could not cost to try it. He had, by now, forgotten the contract was 4H and he was playing in 3NT. He led the seven of clubs, and West, SB could see what was coming, but was powerless to avoid it. He tried pitching a spade. RR said "Discard, um, a heart". ChCh immediately ruffed, and East played the eight. This time RR was certain East was on lead, and was waiting for Molly to lead but ChCh was having none of it. "The lead is in dummy", he blurted, "you ruffed the last trick". RR now led a spade and was soon wrapping up ten tricks.
SB was furious. "You participated in the play", he said to ChCh. "You had no right to tell RR that it was his lead from dummy, nor what the previous trick had been, and when he said "discard a heart", you should have done nothing. He could not "discard" a heart as that was a ruff." "I am allowed to prevent an infraction," said ChCh, and "a heart" was a valid designation, and the word "discard" is not mentioned in the Laws, so "a heart" was the card called for. The Owl arrived. "I shall go away and rule, but I think this is just rub of the green and RR makes", he opined. "And that is the first stepping-stone trump squeeze I have seen executed in no-trumps." The Rabbit blushed, unsure whether he was being complimented or ridiculed.
How do you rule?