Converting our system to a green sticker system ABF system regulations
Posted 2017-December-11, 19:48
The stuff in scope for replacement is
1C: Clubs or balanced - I need to take 3=3=5=2 hands out and put them somewhere else.
2C: Opening 2C as Strong, Weak Diamonds or Weak Spades
2S: Preempt in any suit
Overcalling 1NT: Three suited takeout as part of the overcall structure.
I was thinking the simpliest replacement is
1D: Picks up the 3=3=5=2 stuff and we just play what we normally play over 1C and 1D. Pretend you have 6 diamonds, or use judgement if you have a really poor diamond suit and open something else.
2C: Just make this strong or weak with diamonds. Requires virtually no change.
2S: Weak two in spade lives here. Only bummer is we lose the 5/5 minors opening.
I have no idea what to do about the 1NT overcall though. We play RJO overcalls, so we could play that over 1m it promises 4 cards in the other minor and 2H is 4/4 or better, but I'm slightly stumped about what to do over 1M.
My current openings are set out below if you need them:
1C: Clubs or balanced (The cause of the read sticker as we open 3=3=5=2 1C)
1D: Unbalanced Diamonds
1H: Hearts
1S: Spades
1NT: 14-16
2C: Strong, Weak Diamonds or Weak Spades (Brown Sticker)
2D: 4+ Diamonds and 4+ in a major, weak and premeptive
2H: Majors, Weak and Preemptive
2S: A pre-empt in any suit (Brown Sticker)
2NT: 20-21 Balanced
3C: 5/5 minors, weak and pre-emptive
3D: 6D+4M weak and preemptive
3H: Ropey 3H bid
3S: Ropey 3S bid
3NT: Single suited major bit
We also play the overcall structure, and overcalling 1NT as a takeout bid is brown sticker as it doesn't promise 4 in an unbid suit. (I'm
Converting this to Green sticker would be a matter
Posted 2017-December-13, 07:08
Cthulhu D, on 2017-December-11, 19:48, said:
I know you like transfer rebids over 1♦-1M, so how about
1♦ = NAT unBAL OR 11-13/17-19, 3352
1♦-1M; ?:
1♠(M=♥) = "spades"
1N = "clubs"
2♣ = "diamonds"
2♦(M=♠) = "heart reverse"
2M-1 = 3 M, either no extras* (so "10-12" if unBAL, 11-13 if 3352) or INV (so "16-18" if unBAL, 17-19** if 3352?)
2M = no extras, 4(+) M
2N = 17-19**, 3352?
other = extras, 4+ M?
* With "13-15", 3 M, unBAL, Opener will either rebid 1♠ or transfer to 2m before showing 3c support. E.g.
1♦-1♥; 1♠-1N; 2♥ = "13-15", 3 H
1♦-1♠; 2♣-2♦; 2♠ = "13-15", 3 S.
** Or maybe
1♦-1M; [2M-1]-2M; 2N = 18good-19, 3352
1♦-1M; 2N = 17-18bad, 3352
Posted 2017-December-13, 12:50
The various preempts create more of a problem of course; I guess you could play 2♦ multi (always weak) and 2♠ as "diamonds and another suit" with 3m natural? This seems to cover most of your preemptive possibilities (okay maybe not the 4-4 diamonds and a major hands).
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2017-December-13, 16:40
awm, on 2017-December-13, 12:50, said:
The various preempts create more of a problem of course; I guess you could play 2♦ multi (always weak) and 2♠ as "diamonds and another suit" with 3m natural? This seems to cover most of your preemptive possibilities (okay maybe not the 4-4 diamonds and a major hands).
The relevant part of the ABF system regulations is
2.1 Green (Natural) Systems
a) All one-level opening bids are natural and non-forcing
b) An opening bid of one of a suit guarantees length (3+ cards) in the denomination named
(Exception: 4-4-3-2 and (4-3)-4-2 shaped hands may be opened 1♣)
I cannot open 3=3=5=2 1C as a green sticker under that arrangement.
The preempts are really not an issue as they don't have knock on system issues. 1NT overcall however, does, and really hurts.
Posted 2017-December-13, 19:24
nullve, on 2017-December-13, 07:08, said:
1♦ = NAT unBAL OR 11-13/17-19, 3352
1♦-1M; ?:
1♠(M=♥) = "spades"
1N = "clubs"
2♣ = "diamonds"
2♦(M=♠) = "heart reverse"
2M-1 = 3 M, either no extras* (so "10-12" if unBAL, 11-13 if 3352) or INV (so "16-18" if unBAL, 17-19** if 3352?)
2M = no extras, 4(+) M
2N = 17-19**, 3352?
other = extras, 4+ M?
* With "13-15", 3 M, unBAL, Opener will either rebid 1♠ or transfer to 2m before showing 3c support. E.g.
1♦-1♥; 1♠-1N; 2♥ = "13-15", 3 H
1♦-1♠; 2♣-2♦; 2♠ = "13-15", 3 S.
** Or maybe
1♦-1M; [2M-1]-2M; 2N = 18good-19, 3352
1♦-1M; 2N = 17-18bad, 3352
This is a good idea - if I change from playing the two ways to raise as strong/weak to 4/3 cards I'm probably sorted. I just hate bypassing 1NT with the 3=3=5=2 hand. Ugh. Playing in a 4-3 probably isn't to bad most of the time.
Posted 2017-December-14, 02:31
Cthulhu D, on 2017-December-11, 19:48, said:
Have 1NT show 4oM and make the same bid with (31)(54) as you would have done with 22(54) perhaps?
Posted 2017-December-14, 06:15
Cthulhu D, on 2017-December-11, 19:48, said:
Half-baked idea:
X = normal takeout except that the strong BAL option starts at 15 instead of 18/19 (=> non-standard responses incl. 1N = to play opposite 15-17 BAL)
1♠ = standard
1N = a) < opening strength, either 4S5+m or 4144 b) opening strength, either 5+S5+m or 4S6+m
2♣ = < opening strength, 4+C5+pointed
2♦ = < opening strength, 4+D5+black
2♥ = < opening strength, 6+ S
2♠ = opening strength, 3-S6+C (=> 2N = range ask)
2N = opening strength, 3-S6+D (=> 3♣ = range ask)
X = normal takeout except that the strong BAL option starts at 15 instead of 18/19 (=> non-standard responses incl. 1N = to play opposite 15-17 BAL)
1N = a) < opening strength, either 4H5+m or 1444 b) opening strength, either 6+ H, 5H5+m or 4H6+m
2♣ = < opening strength, 4+C5+red
2♦ = < opening strength, 4+D5+rounded
2♥ = < opening strength, 6+ H
2♠ = opening strength, 3-H6+C (=> 2N = range ask),
2N = opening strength, 3-H6+ D (=> 3♣ = range ask)
Then e.g.
2♣ = P/C
2♦ = F1 relay
2♥ = to play opposite < opening strength
(1♠)-1N-2♣; ?:
P = < opening strength, either 5+ C or 1444
2♦ = < opening strength, 5+ D
2♥ = opening strength, 6+ H
2♠ = opening strength, 5+H5+m
2N = opening strength but no extras, 4H6+m (=> 3♣ = P/C)
3m = opening strength and extras, 4H6+m, NF
20 December 2017: But how do I bid hands with opening strength and 5D5C? Maybe it's better to play
X = normal takeout except that the strong BAL option starts at 15 instead of 18/19 (=> non-standard responses incl. 1N = to play opposite 15-17 BAL)
1♠ = standard
1N = < opening strength, either 4S5+m or 4144 OR opening strength, 4S6+m
2♣ = < opening strength, 4+C5+pointed OR opening strength, 3-S4-D6+C
2♦ = < opening strength, 4+D5+black OR opening strength, 3-S6+D4-C
2♥ = < opening strength, 6+ S
2♠ = opening strength, 5+pointed5+C (=> 2N = range ask)
2N = opening strength, 5+S5+D (=> 3♣ = range ask)
X = normal takeout except that the strong BAL option starts at 15 instead of 18/19 (=> non-standard responses incl. 1N = to play opposite 15-17 BAL)
1N = < opening strength, either 4H5+m or 4144 OR opening strength, either 6+ H or 4H6+m
2♣ = < opening strength, 4+C5+red OR opening strength, 3-H4-D6+C
2♦ = < opening strength, 4+D5+rounded OR opening strength, 3-H6+D4-C
2♥ = < opening strength, 6+ H
2♠ = opening strength, 5+red5+C (=> 2N = range ask),
2N = opening strength, 5+H5+D (=> 3♣ = range ask)
Posted 2017-December-14, 18:31
Zelandakh, on 2017-December-14, 02:31, said:
Depending on the texture of the hand you'd probably bid 1NT with both of them, showing both minors is 3C which is a lot more dangerous particularly given what we both overcall on. I think you're right though we just need to take the hit here.